Chapter 12: Confusion

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Me: Woah-Ho how is everyone today?
Jay: shhhhhh!!!! Kai and I are having a fight to the death in our video game competition!
Kai: ya we need to concentrate!
Me: just promise me that whoever loses won't chase the other around the house like a mad man!
Jay: I can't promise that
Kai: neither can I!
Cole: give it up girl!
Zane: it happens every time they do this. We have learned to live with it.
Me: fine well let's start the next chapter shall we?!
Nya: She doesn't own ninjago but she owns the story!
Chapter 12: Confusion
The ninja were trying to figure out what the Dark Six wanted with Kai. So far they had come up with the possibilities that they were trying to steal secrets, get some kind of ransom, get Kai to do something for them, or, as Nya suggested, try to turn Kai evil.

"Anyone else got any bright ideas?" Nya asked right after suggesting that they might be trying to turn Kai evil. Everyone was speechless. I knew I shouldn't have brought that up! Nya thought.

"Thats a good point Nya!" Lloyd finally said stuttering a bit. "They could have figured out that Kai has been... well... lost in thought about.... you know... help me out here!" he struggled on what to say.

"We all understand what your trying to say Lloyd, its ok." Cole assured Lloyd.

"Look I didn't want to bring that topic up, but I knew I had to because i could... like... feel it." Nya said quietly. Nya was obviously terrified at the idea that Kai could be evil, but deep down, all the ninja knew that was the correct answer.

"Hey, Kai is strong. Unless they use some kind of super, mind, play, tech on him, he could resist!" Jay said.

"They have dark powers, if they combine them in a way that i hope they don't know about, it can play with anyone's head, causing them to be vulnerable to conversation to a dark state." Wu said. He was standing at the door like he had been listening the whole time.

"What do you mean by that Sensei?" Zane asked, politely as always.

"Say for fire, if they combine dark fire and the opposite of heat, ice, they can create a substance to play with the victim's mental state. It is possible that the next time we fight the Dark Six, we could be fighting one of our own.'" Sensei explained. All of the ninja's mouths dropped. Nya almost fainted.

"Wow! I got you Nya." Jay said catching her before she fell over. Zane brought her a chair.
"You ok Nya?" Lloyd asked her. "I know that's a lot to take in but..."

"NO! I'M NOT OK! MY BROTHER! THIS IS MY BROTHER WE ARE TALKING ABOUT! THIS CAN'T HAPPEN, I WON'T LET IT, WOW!" Nya tried to get up but was still dizzy, so she sat right back down.

"Take it easy Nya, you almost passed out remember." Sensei told her. "I know the feeling when your sibling is evil," at this both Lloyd and Wu looked at eachother. "It's hard to believe, but your brother will be fine. If they did turn him evil, we can always turn him back."

"HOW!" Nya practically screamed.

"I prepared for this event, however, none of you will ever know my methods. It is a secret I don't wish to share." Wu told the 5 ninja. His secret was not what it may sound, but however, simply catching Kai off guard by someone who he loves.

"Yes Sensei." They all said in sink. Sensei, Lloyd, Cole, and Zane left the bridge.

"Hey, Jay... please promise me that when we fight the Dark Six and possibly Kai, you will be there for me." Nya asked Jay weekly. She was shaking as she hugged her friend.

"Of course Nya, of course." Jay assured her.
Me: Um jay now might be s good time to run.
Jay: no dope Sherlock! IM GETTIN' OUT OF HERE!!!!!!
Cole: HA Jay won! You ow me 5 bucks Crystal!
Me: Wow that's the first time any of you have used my real name while in these comments! Wow!
Zane: true.
Jay: *from the other room* KAI GET OFF OF ME I DIDNT CHEAT I SWEAR!
Me: welp so we help him or...
Nya: Hey guys! I have something I need to show... umm let me guess, Jay won?.
Me: yup!
Lloyd: we better sort this out before we do anything else!
Me: ok the next chapter is called Conversation! THANKIES!

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