Chapter 1: Emotions

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me: OK here we go my second story.
Kai: *smug smile* issa bout meh ye
Jay: yup!
Zane: we hope you all enjoy this fanfic
Me: yes i have been working on this one longer than my last one.
Jay: and yet she posted the one about her fav ninja first.
Jay: i read your wattpad profile, it makes it kinda obvious.
Me: fine...
All (except me and Jay): WHY IS HE YOUR FAV????
Me: because i am best at making storys about weaker characters and i love comic relief characters... no offence Jay
Jay: how is that not offencive?
Me: well we are going to sort this out while you read chapter 1.
Kai: she doesn't own ninjago but she owns the story
Chapter 1. Emotions
Kia, the red ninja of fire, sat on his bed wondering what he really was inside. After what had happened at the tournament of elements, were Kia had gotten a hold of the staff of elements and it had corrupted him, he had revealed a part of him he had never known was inside of him. He had felt a jealousy unlike anything he had ever felt before and had screamed it at Lloyd without even trying.

"What did I do?" Kia suddenly screamed without knowing what he was doing. Suddenly the blue ninja of lightning walked in the room and confronted Kia."What do you mean, because you have done a lot in your life from when Sensei first found you but if you mean before tha..."

"Jay, I get it." Kia interrupted there very talkative friend. "Anyways you wouldn't get it because you weren't there."

"Soooooo... when are we talking recently or..." Jay questioned

"During the time before you guys bursted into the ceremony room and got your powers back back at Chen's Island." Kai explained.

"What happened."Jay asked. "I'm bored. Zane is doing the weekly shoping, Lloyd is still upset about his dad, Cole is doing who knows what, and Nya is working on a bounty upgrade, so please explain."

Kai lay back down on his bed very aggressively. "Why don't you go help Nya or something. I'm not in the mood to..."


"NO. JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" Kai's hands caught on fire and his eyes glowed red when he said this. Sitting up now, then he shook his head, his eyes went back to normal, and got rid of the fire. "It's complicated Jay. I will explain some other time, but for now i just need some time."

Jay just stood there in shock for a moment. He snapped out of his shock pretty fast and just backed out of the room murmuring so that hopefully Kai couldn't hear, "Someone played with your temper."

Kai heard this of course because Jay is loud. He tried to stay calm but ever since the staff incident, he had just been struggling. He thought about talking to Nya, his sister and Samurai x, about it. Speaking of Nya, she interrupted his thoughts on the PA system.
"Hey everyone. I don't know who all is here right now, but we have a problem. If you could all come to the bridge, it would be helpful."
Kai walked out of the ninja's room not concentrating on what he was doing and ran into Cole, the black ninja of earth.

"Oops! Sorry Cole." Kai said.

"It's ok. Lost in thought?" Cole asked.

"More than you know."

The two walked to the bridge together and when they arrived, they found Sensei Wu, Jay, Lloyd, and Nya. Just then Zane, walked in.

"Hello everyone. What have we missed." Zane asked.

"We are about to find out. Nya what's the matter" Jay asked. Nya was once Jays girlfriend(as you all know) but after some troubles with Cole, there relationship was sketchy. Cole and Jay had made up in a fight at the tournament of elements, the mission they had just completed, and they were friends again.

"On our normal flight pattern, I noticed some suspicious behaviour down in Ninjago city. Weird guys with strange overpowered gun things are attacking and I was just trying to figure out what to do. Do you think you guys could go check it out?" Nya explained.

"Sure, what do you say Sensei" Cole asked.

"Go ahead. Try to gather as much information about these people as you can so I can try to figure out who they are." Sensei said.

The five ninja walked out to the deck, conjured up there elemental dragons, and headed off.
All the ninja except for Kai, who was still lost in thought, had a long chat about who they could be fighting as they approached their target. They finally reached the place where Nya had last seen the people, and started searching.

"Hey Kai, you have been quiet, what's on your mind?" Lloyd asked.

"Shhhhhhhh, don't ask him right now he's upset about something but I can't figure out what. Just drop the subject." Jay whispered to Lloyd.

"I'm fine. Nothing's wrong just lost in thought about... who we are looking for." Kai quickly lied. He could see Lloyd was not convinced. Kai just walked the other way trying to ignore what was on his mind. "I'm going to check over here for anything." He turned the corner to find a guy knocked out on the ground. Well that was weird.
Jay: Why do you call me a weaker character!?
Me: WE have been over this! anyway my followers just saw that so i would drop it if i were you!
Jay: for now!
Me: so how was the first chapter. i hope you all like the direction i am taking this one.
Nya: i do!
Kai: ya that's not weird at all!
Nya: what i like stories where people battle a secret darkside!
Pixal: wow its a miracle, i have been acknowledged!
Me: yes yes you have so anyways guys thanks for reading this fanfic. the next chapter is called Information. THANKIES!

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