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*narrator's point of view*

"KEEP PUSHING! TAKE DEEP BREATHS, AND PUSH! PUSH A LITTLE MORE, DEAR," Y/N's Obstetrician said loudly. Yoongi was right next to his fiancée, holding her hand tightly as she exerted all her effort into pushing their lovely daughter Nami out into the world.



Every time Y/N pushed and struggled to breathe, Yoongi would kiss her forehead softly and tell her that she's doing well. It hurt him to see her go through all of that, and if one thought that he couldn't love her even more, then they're wrong.

"Hey, Y/N–" Yoongi whispered into her ear. She was drenched in sweat and tears after pushing for almost an hour. "I'm here, okay? You can do this. I'm not letting go of you. I promise."

Reassurance is definitely key in every relationship. For Yoongi and Y/N, it took a while to build trust so constant reassurance was the way to go but after a while of being in each other's lives, their eyes spoke what they needed to say.

"We're ready whenever you are, Nami."

"1..2..3, PUSH!"

Screams were heard from outside the room Y/N and Yoongi were in. All six members of Bangtan, plus Ronnie were present, including Yoongi's family, and Bang PD-nim. Anya volunteered to stay in the car with Aria, who was fast asleep. Everyone waited patiently for Nami to come out of her mother's womb but they were also wishing for a safe delivery. Not too long ago, they waited outside Y/N's room everyday, hoping that she would wake up. The memory definitely haunted them, but they knew that Yoongi and Y/N were survivors.

"You know, for someone giving birth, I think Y/N's really disciplined. I mean," Jimin looked at his girlfriend who was panicking a little too much. "When Ronnie gave birth, she almost bit my had off. I swear.. you screamed too loud, and you screamed non-stop.. everyone must have gone deaf after."

"I gave birth to OUR child, so shut up." Ronnie's mommy hormones were kicking in.

Jungkook held his camera and Taehyung hold his as well. The excited uncles couldn't wait to see another precious little girl enter their lives.

One second, Y/N was in tears, pushing so hard to meet Nami, and the next, her daughter was safe in her arms, perfect and healthy.

She was beautiful.

"Nami," Y/N forgot the world around her and allowed the tears to roll down her face as she took in every inch of her newborn daughter. "Look at you! Your little rolls! My chunky little girl! You look like your dad, it's unfair! My god.. I love you."

Yoongi was in complete shock after seeing his little girl. She was his twin, but with her mother's eyes and lips. She was the most beautiful thing he's ever seen and to think that he made her with Y/N was all a dream come true. Y/N placed little Nami in Yoongi's arms. He was nervous, that's for sure, but Yoongi couldn't stop crying. He was so overwhelmed by everything. "Appa's twin? Yes. Appa's twin. Nami, you are so loved. I love you. Appa.. is happy."

"Nami, such a beautiful girl! Congratulations, Appa and Eomma!" Y/N's doctor congratulated the proud parents. "Y/N, you did a great job pushing. Everything will be okay, just rest as much as you can for as long as you need to."

Meanwhile, outside Y/N's room, everyone gathered around the nurse who just came out after the delivery. She was bombarded with questions from the 7 heavenly boys, and although she was exhausted, she answered their questions well.

"Okay. Please calm down. The baby is finally here. Nami is very healthy and her parents are bonding with her right now. Once everything is settled, we will allow you to enter the room to meet Nami."

"Thank you," Namjoon shook the nurse's hand. She was baffled by his gesture but went back inside the room to help out. Half an hour or so after, they were allowed to come inside to meet Nami.

Ronnie immediately walked to the bedside and hugged Y/N. The new mothers did not speak a word to each other, but they looked at each other with so much love and pride. Years of friendship definitely brought out the best in them.

"Hi, Auntie's love," Ronnie whispered as she took Nami into her arms. "This is your home now, too. You're Aria's best friend, do you know that?"

Seemingly aware of what was happening, Nami gave her Auntie a sweet smile. Everyone witnessed the special moment, and of course, Uncle Kookie and Uncle Taetae had pictures to remember it. All other uncles, and even Grandpa Bang PD-nim took pictures of Nami as well.

"Noona," Taehyung walked to the bedside and hugged Y/N. Taehyung was very close to Yoongi and Y/N, that he felt so attached to Nami even before she was born. Seeing her right after she was born was the highlight of Taehyung's year for sure. "She is so pretty. She has your eyes, but she's hyung's twin."

After a short while, Jimin and Ronnie left the hospital to take care of their daughter, Aria. Before the couple left, Jimin sneaked Yoongi out of the room to give him a hug. It was a long and tight "Good luck changing diapers and I hope your sex life doesn't go downhill from here" hug. "If you need a drink or just someone who knows the struggles of being a young dad, here you go," Jimin said, slipping a key in Yoongi's hand. "Ronnie won't mind seeing you at our house as long as you bring her coffee."

Shortly after the Park's left, Anya got the chance to see Nami for the first time, and the moment Anya held Nami, all eyes were on Seokjin as he boldly blurted out the words every girl would want to hear. "That's it," Seokjin said, staring only at Anya while holding Namjoon's hand on one hand, and Hoseok's on the other. "I found her. I found my wife."

The eventful birth of Min Nami brought people together in a way that no one would ever forget. A few days after Nami was born, Yoongi and Y/N finally took their daughter home. Everything was different. Everything fell into place.

*** 3 Months After ***

"Park Jimin, yah!" Yoongi, whose sweat trickled down his face, put Jimin on speaker. Y/N was out at the grocery store buying necessities and Yoongi volunteered to take care of Nami, who wouldn't stop crying.

"Hyung," Jimin spoke from the other line. "Don't you think her diaper is full?" At this point, Yoongi started crying and hung up on Jimin.

"Stupid. Fucking. Ass," Yoongi cursed under his breath as he checked his daughter's diaper. Even though she was driving him insane, Nami was just too cute and he couldn't resist her charm. Nami clenched her little fists and her whole face turned red. Yoongi watched his daughter and the moment that it hit him, he automatically remembered what Y/N told him before she left; "She's a little poopy today. Make sure she's always clean and that her diaper isn't full. She gets fussy."

"I'm sorry, Nami. Your dad is still learning. I will try harder for you. Promise!" Yoongi smiled at his little girl. Meanwhile, Nami, who was struggling with her little issue, seemed to have understood what her dad was going through. Just then, Nami wiggled her little legs and arms, and smiled for her dad who was very much smitten by her.

"You know exactly what to do, don't you?" Yoongi said, softly pinching his daughter's chubby cheeks.

"You're just like your Mommy."

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