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Day 2 of being Min Yoongi's girlfriend started off like the first, except Yoongi wasn't next to me when I woke up. The sunlight hit my face at around the same time Yoongi took his shirt off in front of me for the first time yesterday morning. Waking up to a cup of milk and honey on top of the nightstand, I read the note that came with it.

Hope needed help with his mixtape, sorry I couldn't wake up next to you. I'll be home soon. Don't miss me too much. And, drink your milk before it gets cold.

— Jagi

"Aw," my heart fluttered at his thoughtfulness. Yoongi was really getting into this week-long relationship. I just wish it didn't have to end so soon. Or, at all.

Pushing myself off of the bed, I ran to the bathroom to take a shower to take advantage of the time Yoongi wasn't home. Whenever Yoongi's around, a part of me gets lost with him. I let the tap run for as long as the water hitting my body was warm. Getting out of the shower, I put my maroon silk robe on and wrapped my hair in a towel.

"Why hello there," Yoongi greeted me with a smirk on his face. The usual smirk that could possibly turn me into a mother if things were to happen. Yoongi was sweating heavily, the stains visible on his grey shirt. Licking his lips, he walked over to me, completely closing in on the space left between us. He rested his hand on the small of my back, which made me twitch a bit.

"You smell nice," he said, sniffing my hair before trailing kisses down my jaw. A light moan escaped my lips when he gently kissed the sensitive spot on my neck. Shaking the sensual thought out of my head, I cupped Yoongi's face and kissed his cheek, lovingly. The sexual tension seemed to die down quickly after that.

"Get dressed, I'll wait for you in the living room," Yoongi said, kissing my cheek once again before heading out. When he got out of the room, I sat on our bed for a few seconds to register what just happened. Knowing that something happened between Jimin and Ronnie, I couldn't help but think about the possibilities of that.. happening to Yoongi and I, soon. Yoongi would tease me with kisses but, with the real thing? I guess I'd have to observe a bit more because apparently, some dick appointments don't come with warnings.

Checking my bag for an outfit to wear, I pulled out a grey t-shirt dress and threw it over my head. It was soft and flowy, which I thought was perfect for today since Yoongi and I had no plans until afternoon. Ronnie's leaving tonight, and I'm dropping her off at the airport. Jimin wanted to come but since neither of them could bear the fact that Ronnie was leaving so soon, Ronnie demanded Jimin to stay behind. They had no plans, whatsoever, but they did agree to call each other even after she leaves. Before I even dared to cry, I sprinted out of the room and met up with Yoongi in the living room. His eyes were shut, which most probably meant that he was taking a nap. This must be his second nap of the day, out of a hundred, I suppose.

Sitting next to Yoongi, I turned the TV on and watched the daily news. Moving my face towards his, I scanned his features thoroughly, making sure that I didn't miss a spot. I wanted to remember every detail of his face and every detail of his body.

"Jagi, if you wanna make out with me, just say so," the man beside me chuckled. Yoongi's eyes remained shut the whole time. "You don't have to secretly lust over me, you know,"

"Pabo!" I cried out, hitting his stomach with more force than usual, but not too strong to bruise him. I could bruise him, but.. that's a different story. "Shut the fuck up," internally cursing myself for the sensuality.

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