Drip drip drip

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  • Dedicated kay my mind...for all the thoughts

Drip drip drip, the feeling of seawater on my skin

Salty taste, moist feeling, but the pain is unbearable

Cannot control, must let it free

Because it's the only thing comforting me

When all seems dark, and in the shadows

One drop can start me off

Cannot control it, must let it free

Because it's the only thing comforting me

Curled up in a ball at midnight, memories pouring in

Pouring as fast as the waterfall on my skin

Try to resist, pushing all the hatred away

To put on a fake smile the very next day

I'm sorry pillow, for soaking you with tears

I'm sorry stomach, for all the butterflies

I'm sorry brain, for all the painful memories

I'm sorry diary, for scribbling his name all over you

I'm sorry for the drip drip drip everyday

No one can help, it's a way of life

To endure such pain and strife

I need to grow strong, be the person everyone thinks I am

But a drip drip girl is all I am

Drip drip drip everyday

Drip drip drip to release the pain

Drip drip drip is all I hear

Drip drip drip is all I fear....

Wonders of my mindTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon