Psychological Monster

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Walks to the stage, a slight smirk on her face

As if she was Ms. Universe

But underneath, a monster tugs at her cheeks

She thinks 'What could be worse?'

Caring friends, adoring parents,

All she needs is right by her side

Except that growing monster,

That's eating out her insides

Pride becomes disappointment

Regret sweeping like a mop

'It's not easy' she whispers; her mind

A roller coaster, her stomach the drop

But she never lets it show in her eyes

A strong lady she wanted to seem

Never a drop fell out her left eye

Except in her land of dreams...

The pink in her lips withered away,

Her eyes darker than ever!

Bones so weak, but heart so strong

Her acts were oh so clever!

Deceiving and daring, the monster pries

Attacking when she's most vulnerable

Suicide, pain, it creeps in her mind

And now it's becoming unstoppable

Each day her mind splits in two

Now it's a jigsaw puzzle!

Made of memories the monster maintains

He covers her sanity with a muzzle

The police can't help, nor the detectives

Because this monster's invisible

So when you're fooled by her smile

Remember that monster is a psychological criminal

A psychological monster buried inside.... 

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