Finally Free 1

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This text is based on an instrumental
song i made in 2016. This one is the first version of lyrics. There is also a second version and I'm going to share that too one day. This was one of my first songs that i ever programmed in studio. It means a lot to me.

Listen to the rain,
It falls with gravity.
I wrote this song in vain,
And I try to consider it as poetry.

Even though it's just a pathetic attempt,
To free my twisted mind.
My wicked thoughts represent,
All the things of my past - they are all defined.

I'm always trying to find the right words,
For everything i feel.
Even singing birds,
Are more for me, as i kneel.

I kneel down,
My eyes facing the sky.
The birds laugh at me - as I frown,
Another raindrop filling up my eye.

I give up and my head rests,
The loud birds are still laughing at me.
I didn't pass your tests,
Tell me When am I finally free?

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