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     Braden and Esmeralda went back to being best friends. They didn't need to be geniuses to realize just how much they had missed each other.

     When Braden finished telling her about the orphanage and Sir Locks, Esmeralda said, "Is he the one who gives you those bruises?" She touched Braden's cheek.

     Braden froze and got away from Esmeralda's touch. She placed a hand on her cheek as she went for the bathroom once again, she managed not to fall on her heels.

     She ran to the bathroom and sprinted to the mirror, looking closely, sure enough, you could see the bruises.

     On her cheeks.

     On her legs.

     Her arms.

     Every single part that Sir Locks had abused.

     Braden thought, how could she have been so dumb to not completely do her make up?

     But then she remembered to the morning, after hugging Heather for a while, Sir Locks burst into the room. Braden panicked, took her things fast, and got out the window like she did once, and ran to school.

     The only thing she had done was her hair.

     How did she not noticed when she was in here with Esmeralda?

     Braden had been too happy about the news of school almost being over, she hadn't noticed the curious looks that everyone had been directing at her.

     Braden didn't know what to do. She went back to the cafeteria, pulled Esmeralda out of it, and questioned her as to why she didn't tell her. "I didn't know, I thought you were just going to stop hiding them, you know I thought this was how it was going to be from now on."

     Braden didn't know what to say. She knew if she was in her place, she would have spoken up a long time ago. Braden walked away from Esmeralda, ignoring her calls for her to return.

     Was Esmeralda really her friend?

     With out any other choice, Braden stayed in school for the rest of her classes. She knew better than to skip, Sir Locks didn't need another reason to abuse Braden.

     For the first time, Braden kept her head down. She didn't feel confident anymore.

     She didn't like the way people stared at her a lot. Curious expressions and pitiful ones.

     Girls tried to talk to her, telling her that she could trust them that they were there for her, asking what was wrong, and lastly, are you okay?

     Braden walked away from all of them. Even Esmeralda.

     Guys looked at her as if she was easy. Only a few looked at her worried and pitiful. None of them dared to talk to her. But they did try to get her.

     Braden walked away, for the first time, feeling scared.

     Teacher tried to get her to talk after class, Braden had already expected that. All through the class they would stare at her bruises and look at her pitiful.

     Braden ran out of the class.

     Jillian's disappearance wasn't the talk or worry of Joxel High anymore, it was Braden, Joxel's Slut.


Hi! What you guys think?

Guys, I'm so upset >:[ It's not chicklit anymore #164. Now it's chicklit number sixhundred some. I wonder if it was just a mistake in the first place. lol.

Well, vote, comment, share.

And check out Two Years After The Crash please!

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