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"You've got to be fucking kidding me." She rolled her eyes irritated as she leaned in and looked closely to where she had a purple bruise with a bit of black on her right cheek. She frowned at the sight of it.

But that wasn't the only injury that was on her face, or even her body, it was just the most recent one. Her cheek had barely been healing from an old bruise, but now she had gotten a fresh new one. It angered her how she couldn't even last a week without getting a bruise on her face or anywhere else for the matter.

Braden grabbed her many makeup pouches as she began looking for her concealer and foundation or basically anything that could cover it up. She applied many layers all over her bruised cheek and then to her other bruises that were all over her body.

Once Braden finished applying her makeup, she looked at herself in the unclean mirror and scrunched up her face at her own sight. She was disgust and saddened at how fake she looked. "This is why you're labeled as a slut." She said to herself like it was a fact she ran her eyes over her reflection many times.

She looked like a "slut" because of how obvious her make up was caked up and it didn't help that the make up didn't match her skin color. Her hair was in perfect curls, for it was natural. It was even the blonde color that almost appeared to look white. Her skirt was just a few inches above her knees, for she had grown out of it, same with her shirt. She grew out of it and it shows her belly button at times.

A small tear slid from under her and she instantly wiped it away. She didn't mean to let it fall. "Don't want to mess up that make up of yours." She said harshly at the mirror.

"Are you done looking at yourself, whore?" It was the voice of a thirteen year old, she was an orphan just like Braden, everybody in this orphanage was obviously. Her name was Heather and just like Braden and all the other orphans, she is abused by the owner of the orphanage.

Heather's injuries are minor unlike Braden's, it's also easier for Heather to hide them when it's time for school. Her injustices are usually on her arms from rough handling.

Braden shook her head at Heather, ignoring her rude comment. She found it useless responding back in a rude manner, she knew this was the way for Heather to deal with the abuse. Heather just takes it out on other people.

Unlike Braden, who just wants to feel loved. She'll take any chance with any guy, just to feel loved and cared for. Even though she knows that's never going to happen to her, she still tries.

Braden moved aside from the mirror for Heather, she grabbed her bag and was about to open the door and head out when she heard loud footsteps coming up the stairs. She and Heather weren't the only ones in the room, and they weren't the only ones to hear the loud haunting footsteps.

Every orphan in the room instantly went to sit in the beds that some of them had no choice but to share, two in one twin bed. Except for Braden she didn't try to look "normal", she quickly grabbed her worn out school bag and headed out the window.

The orphanage was two stories, but thankfully there was a fire exit she uses every now and then when she wants to get out of torture for a while. She knew she'd get in trouble for it later in the after noon, but she didn't care right then, she just needed to get to school.

Once her feet landed on the floor, she jogged until she was no longer able to hear the yelling that was increasing by the second. After passing a couple of streets, Braden was able to see her high school, Joxel High School.

She hates it with all her might, but it's the only place where she is able to go and be safe for eight hours a day, five days a week, for how many months in a year.

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