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Braden's day went by fast and soon enough she was on her way to the orphanage. But she didn't have to be there until six.

She learned that from one of her experiences, if she's gone for too long, the owner calls the police to search for her. And when she's found, she gets beaten pretty badly. But that has only happened to her twice.

Braden walks around the streets for a while, she's looking down at the outfit she dislikes.

If she could, she would get herself a job, but she knows that what ever she makes, will be taken away.

It happened to an orphan just a year ago, she was older than Braden. Her name was Hellen and Sir Locks did what he usually did when they did something he didn't approve of, he beat them up.

Hellen was extremely injured, she limped for a week or so and her face didn't look like her's anymore. It was as if Sir Locks had knocked everything that was inside of her, out.

Braden and Hellen were close, so Braden knew that Hellen had been through way worse than Braden, because Hellen was there for eighteen years.

Last year when she left, she left Braden a letter for her to open when she was able to get out of the hell. Hellen just left a letter and she left, no good byes because she knew it wasn't going to be the last time she would see her.

"Hey!" Braden turned to look at a guy who went to her school. They had actually been together in bed for more than once and she soon began to fall fo him, but he soon just broke all contact with her.

Breaking her heart along with it."Babe!"

She was confused. Was he hoping to hook up? Braden decided to ignore him and just keep walking. She didn't want to get her hopes up again.

JIlian happened to be one of those guy's who doesn't do relationships, she didn't know that when she got with him.

"Hey," Jilian was now next to her and that's when she was able to smell the scent of liquor. "Why are you ignoring me?"

She gave him a look. "You're the one who stopped talking to me first." She knew that he was probably drunk, but she didn't think much of it. He never was the aggresivet type.

"Well now I want to talk to you." He grabbed her by the waist. "And so much more." He whispered huskily and pulled her close, and that's when he started to kiss her neck.

Braden tried to back away. "No, Jilian. I don't want to do this."

He kept on pulling her close, harder each time. "Shut the fuck up."

"Jillian, stop." Braden managed to push him away.

"Stop acting like you don't want to. This is what slut's like you do." He pulled her close again and this time, she couldn't stop him.

"Stop." He roughly kissed her to shut her up. Braden turned to her side disgusted, that's when she noticed a group of teenagers from her school, including Esmeralda and April.

April scoffed. "How predictable, an hour out of school and she's already got a guy to bang." A few of them laughed, while the other's cheered Jillian on.

"Get yourself some of that whore, Jillian!" It was a guy this time that hollered out.

Braden struggled even harder when he started to grab at her bottom. She squirmed and pushed with everything she had, it was no use.

Esmeralda seemed to be the only one who thought it wasn't a nice view to watch. "Let's just go guys."

Esmeralda started to walk away. Turning back, she noticed that none of her friends were following.

Jillian started grabbing Braden by her skirt. That's when Braden did the only thing that she thought of before he could go any futher, she kneed him.

The group of teenagers started laughing while Jillian was crouched down, groaning in pain. There was almost an approving smile creeping up on Esmeralda's lips.

Braden took advantage of that time and started walking away, as nothing ever happened.

But of course, that wasn't the case. And it wasn't the first time that she had been in a situation like this, she's been in many actually.

But every time, she feels as if she's weaker. Because everytime next time, it feels like it's harder for her to get away.

Maybe it's because she's been getting more abused by Sir Locks than ever.

Passing by the teenagers, she didn't look at them once. "What's up Brandon? Not in the mood for being a slut?" She mentaly rolled her eyes, they all knew that, that, isn't the way you pronounce her name.

They just did it to get to her. The whole group laughed, even Esmeralda managed to smile a bit.

Braden never gives them a reaction or response, and that's supposed to shut them up. But some how, it just makes them keep on trying and trying.

They just want her to crack, but that's never going to happen.

She walked away and soon enough she wasn't able to hear their laughter or Jillian's drunk curses.



Yes I know its short, every chapter is going to be short. but I will try to update every two or three days.




:) check out my other stories, yoo.

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