Chapter Two

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Taking another deep breath, I stepped out into the sunshine and walked across the yard to the man who, I assumed, was the authority around here. My legs trembled slightly but I tried to ignore it. This wasn't the time to show any weakness.

Clearing my throat to get his attention, he glanced down at my lowered face. For a long time he was silent, just...staring down at me. I tried not to show any fear, knowing that was what he wanted. Instead, I simply stared down at his boots, my face emotionless. After a long minute, he finally spoke.

"All right, boy. Follow me," he ordered briskly and strode off, forcing me to almost jog in order to keep up with his pace as he escorted me into the palace.

"You will be serving as Prince Thor's personal aide and squire, do you know what that entails?" he asked, not bothering to look at me.

I frowned from behind him, still trying to get my head around what he had said, "Not exactly, sir."

Of course, I had heard stories of our Prince, the God of Thunder, but never actually seen him. Hell, I had never even ventured within the city before. Squire to Prince Thor? Our future King? There was no way this would work out in my favour. Before I could think too long on the subject, the man spoke again.

"It means that where he goes, you go - what he says, you do. You are to follow every order that he gives you, without hesitation. You are to stay by his side unless otherwise stated. You are to speak only when spoken to and treat him with the respect a Prince of Asgard deserves. Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir." 

I peeked up from underneath my lashes and sneaked a glance at our surroundings. We had moved away from the dull, dark area of the servant's quarters and were now walking down a long, grand corridor with tall windows that looked out to the gleaming bay of Asgard. As we turned a corner, the man stopped suddenly as he greeted a tall, handsome man with a rapier at his side.

"Ah, Lord Fandral, what a pleasant surprise," he greeted politely and I shrank behind him, suddenly nervous - even more so than before.

"Fiske, how are you?" The blonde man peered over at me and grinned, "What have we here?" His voice was cheerful and pleasant and I couldn't help but glance curiously up from beneath the rim of my cap.

The man gestured to me and I bowed, "A new squire for Prince Thor, he arrived this morning."

Lord Fandral laughed and clapped a hand on my shoulder, "Fantastic! I love having new recruits! Enjoy your stay, young squire." He cheered, waving farewell as he continued down the long corridor.

As we continued on our way, I couldn't help a small smile spreading across my face at our meeting, if only everyone here was so pleasant. The man spoke again, distracting me from my thoughts.

"You will eat and sleep in the knight's halls, but only when dismissed by your Prince." 

He stopped in front of a tall, golden door that was guarded by a heavily armoured soldier. The man nodded at him and turned to me, lowering his voice.

"Prince Thor is your master now. Take orders only from him, never raise your eyes from the ground, and do not hesitate when you are given an order. Understood?"

I nodded, feeling my apprehension rise, "Yes, sir." 

He continued to stare down at me, his hard eyes relentless in their glare. He raised a hand and pointed a finger threateningly, close enough to my face I could almost smell the leather of his gloves.

"If I hear that you have displeased your master in any way, if you have put one foot out of line, I will not hesitate to throw you in the dungeons."

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