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Hi my name is Willow and my dad drinks he's addicted to Vodka and when he gets drunk he beats me, and I can't go to the police because they would put him in jail and I love my dad even though he abuses me. My mom left when I was seven years old because my dad was getting worse and she didn't try to take us she just left without any warning, after she left I started to develop depression because her leaving made my dad worse. When I turned ten my sister left and she could only take one of us so she took my middle sister leaving me alone. So my depression started getting worse in middle school and I started self harming. No one knew about my depression my dad didn't because after 20 minutes of being home my dad gets drunk and he doesn't give a shit about me until he wants me to make him food, and then at school I have no friends I am a loner I am scared to get to close to anyone I am afraid they would leave me so I am alway on the internet and I have internet friends and they knew when I got into high school because I opened up to them and then they left me alone they had depression to and they killed them self then as a Sophomore I had a friend and she loved me and I loved her and she was my girlfriend for about a year and then her mother found out and threatened to kill me if I made her daughter a lesbian so I left her. After I left her, her mother told my dad and he started to physically abusing me because I was a disgrace to him and as a Senior I wrote to my dad,

Dear dad
I love you and i wish you would have stopped drinking it has taken over your life, if you wouldn't have started mother wouldn't have left you everything that has happened to me is your fault. I wish you never had me I was a disgrace to this earth when I was born you should have killed me, but I don't know what is worse being abused or being alone since I was 7. Ten years. Have stayed but I can't anymore I am sorry I love everyone what I am going to do it not selfish because everyone has told make to so I am listening to them goodbye I love you but you are now a accomplice of murder goodbye.

After I wrote that I got my rope and blade and cut my wrist and hung myself.

*dads P.O.V.*

I can't wait to give Willow her birthday present, her mother also sent her five, I hope she like her presents.
*walks into Willows room*
*turns on the light*
She couldn't have, no she can't be dead!
*reads the note*
'I am so sorry Willow'
*goes into his room and grabs his beretta and shots himself while holding Willows not*

Yeah this one kinda sucked but it 5 in the morning and I haven't slept for 24 hours and yeah sorry it's shitty I am tired and yeah oh and thank you for reading!

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