Chapter 11

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Insight on the Mukami's

The Mukami's walked over to the Sakamaki's as they got to the front door.  Ruki rung the doorbell a couple of times, impatent for the door to be opened.  They waited a few moments to see if anyone would come, but no one came right away.  Ruki huffed as he crossed his arms and started to tap his foot.  Kou huffed as he put his hand on his hip, waiting silently next to his brother.  Yuma stood behind him, as he stared at the door, and clenched his fists.  Azusa just watched with no emotion whatsoever.  The door didn't open, and no one came towards the door. Silence filled the porch, as the wind gushed through the wind tunnel on the porch.  Yuma took another huff as he spoke. "So, what now? It's obvious that they aren't coming" he siid, as Ruki rung the doorbell once more. Azusa silently snuck  in his back pocket as he pulled out one of his knifes from his pocket. Yuma looked at him in shock as he bent by his younger brother. "Your not going to use that are you?" he asked, sounding more nervous then mad.  Azusa slipped the knife back in his pocket as he shook his head. "If I have to use it" he said, hopeing it would settle Yuma.  Kou looked at Ruki, as Ruki huffed again.  "Anyone that like to open this door, please do so or we'll inviting ourselves in" he said, as they waited some more.  He turned towards the three younger brother's as he whispered to them. "If we break in, split up and look in every room. She must be hidden somewhere"  Ruki said, as he turned towards the door, which haven't opened yet.  Ruki sighed as he spoke again. "I'm very angry, and you know what happens when I'm angry" he said, as the waited some more.  

The Mukami's waited for about five more minutes for the door to open, but seen that it hasn't.  Ruki huffed, now full of rage as he pulled on the handle.  He had enough with everything the Sakamaki's did to their Eve, and he wasn't going to let them have their way.  He pulled on the handle again as he turned to Azusa, who was clenching the knife.  "Can I borror that please?" he asked his younger brother, which nodded and handed him the knife.  Ruki jammed the blade into the door, as he wiggled and the door popped open.  "Ok, Remember the plan. Find Skylar, and be quick" he said, as they entered the mantion and split up.  Ruki walked all the way to Reiji's lab but stopped when he heard a voice. "How dare you half pre vermon break into my home" Reiji said sternly, with his arms crossed.  Ruki turned around, furious with him. "Where is she?" Ruki asked, as he clenched his fist.  Reiji watched the way Ruki reacted, as he sighed. "You broke into our house and now your basically threatening me" he said, as Ruki didn't want to but he couldn't let them have Skylar. Ruki growled at Reiji, as he pushed into him, and he slammed into the wall. He hit the wall with a crash, as he kept himself up. Reiji pushed his glasses up as he sighed. "First you break and enter without permition, and now your beating me up. You half bloods really don't get it" Reiji taunted, which brought Ruki's anger up more.  "Where is Skylar?" Ruki asked again,as he growled at Reiji.  Reiji just tilted his head in confusion. "I don't know" he said, but Ruki cutted him off before he could continue. "You know where she is" he said as Reiji sighed. "Even if you found her, you might not be able to save her after we're done. Plus, I'm not suprized that your saving her, rather than drinking her blood like you did with Yui" he said, which got Ruki even more angry with him.

"Is this all because of what we did to Yui? Is that why you took Skylar away from us?" he asked, as he got even angry with him.  Reiji sighed but didn't say a single word.  Ruki knew what he really ment, and he didn't like it. "WHERE IS SHE!" he yelled in anger as he lunged at Reiji.  Reiji vanished then reappeared in behind of Ruki. "I'm not going to tell you where she is" he said, as he left Ruki all alone in the hallway.  Ruki growled as  he turned around multiple times, but still no sign of Reiji.  Ruki was completely alone in a place that he was unwanted.  He gripped his hand as he sighed, then continued his search.

Kou walked into the livingroom, as he looked for Skylar. There was no signs of the slave anywhere, which made him nervous. "Skylar, where are you?" he yelled through the room, then waited for the slave to answer, which didn't happen.  He continued to walk through as Subaru appeared in the room. "Get out now" he said, in a stern angry tone, as Kou tunred to look at him. "Hi Subaru" he said, in his positive chipper tone. Subaru looked at him with anger in his eyes as he spoke. "Get out. You weren't invited by any of us. This house is on lockdown and you just barge in.  Do you break into every house of your rivals?" he asked, which made Kou smile. "Subaru, you took somthing that's ours, and I know you know where she is" he said, as he looked at Subaru.  Subaru growled at Kou as he clenched his fist. "I won't tell you where we're keeping her.  Leave with the rest of your brothers, or Skylar's going to die" he said, as he clenched his fist tighter.  Kou sighed as he stood up and spoke. "Alright, I leave.  After we find Skylar" he said, then he was gone out of Subaru's sight.

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