Chapter 5

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I ended up back in my room as I walked up to the bed and took a seat.  I felt full for once, which is something that I didn't feel in a long time.  I looked out the window again, as I saw the sun starting to peek out through the dark blanket in the sky.  The horizon changed from a dark blue, to a orangeish red, as the yellow sun grew through the window.  I started to see what was really outside of the mantion.  I got up as I looked back out through the window, seeing a small garden, with some type of fountain in it.  I sighed as I thought to myself. "Huh, that must be their garden" I said to myself, as I looked around some more.  I didn't hear anyone behind me, but Yuma spoke to stop the silence. "Do you want to take a peak at it?" he asked, as I turned around quickly. "Uh, sorry. I was just looking around a little bit" I said, hopeing he wouldn't take any blood from me.  Yuma sighed as he spoke again. "It's alright. I'm not supposed to make you work, but if your interested.  You are going to be working with me on it, so do you want to get a feel for it again?" he asked, as I looked back at the guarden through the window. "Sure, I'll look" I said, as I walked away from the window, and followed Yuma outside.

We walked into the garden, as the plants surrounded us.  My eyes widdened with enjoyment as I looked through the whole thing.  I got a whiff of the fresh plants, as their sent entered my nose.  It smelt familuar to me, but I couldn't think of it at first.  I walked through to look at each tomato plant, as we stayed silent.  I tried of thinking of what this reminded me of.  Finally, the memory of working with my dad on the orchard came to my mind.  I sighed as I looked over at the plants in sadness.  Yuma looked over at me as he sighed. "So what do you think of it?" he asked, as I looked at my hands. I stayed silent as I spoke with a shakey tone. "It makes me think of home. Back at the orchard.  The plants smell the same, which is what brought back the memory" I said, as I started to feel tears down my cheeks.  I thought I was being left alone, until Yuma pulled me into a hug, no question of asking first.  His arms wrapped around, as they tightened over me, keeping me close to him.  "It hurts a bit" I said, through the tears, not caring that he was seeing me cry.  Yuma placed a hand on my head, as he rubbed it up and down. "I know, but it's going to be ok" he said, as he calmed me down.  It felt nice to have someone there, like he was doing right now.  I took a deep breath as I spoke again, now starting to calm down. "It makes me miss home, wherever it was" I said, knowing that I could never go back. And if I did, I would have no one to take care of me.

Yuma pulled back from me as he looked over at the plant.  He picked off an old one as he sighed. "I got to pick these tomowor" he said, more to himself then me.  He stopped twirling it in his hand as he looked at me. "Tomowor, we're going to have you work on the guarden with me.  Would you want to pick the tomatoes, as I tend to the rest of the vegetables?" he asked, as I nodded. "Yeah, they might be just like apples. I bet I could take care of them" I said, feeling confident about it.  Yuma smiled as he looked back at the plants. "Alright, your going to help me with these.  I'll start you off with the tomatoes, and then when you got the feel for them. I'll have you helping me with the rest of the guarden.  Sounds good?" he asked, as I gave him a nod.  "Sounds very good" I said as I turned to the water fountain at the end of the guarden.  It was a nice fountain with a lion on it.  The water poured out of the lion and into the bowl under it.  Both Yuma and I were silent for a few minutes as he broke at it. "Hey Skylar, did you just grow apples, or did you grow other things?" he asked, grabbing my attention.  I smiled as I spoke. "I just grew apples, but I'm intrested in other fruits and vegetables as well" I said, with a cheerful voice.  Yuma looked at me, while he smiled. "This is good'" he said aloud, but more to himself then to me.  I looked at him confused.  "What?" I asked, as he looked back at the tomatoes.   Yuma snapped out of his gase as he looked at me. "Oh I was saying it's good that you know how to take care of plants. It's hard taking care of all these all by myself" he said standing up.  I smiled as I stood up with him. "I bet. It was a family thing on the orchard" I said, as I looked at the tomatoes.  I sighed as I held a leaf.  "If only I could see that orchard one last time" I said, more to myself.

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