Chapter 8

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I woke up at the crack of dawn, while the moon was rising up.  The light shined through my window as my wake up alarm, glaring the white gaze in my face.  A slight breese drifted through the window, as it brushed up against my face, making me a little colder than before.  I opened my eyes, as I blinked them a few times. I sat up in bed, as I turned to look out the window, seeing the clear night as it was brightening up.  I yawned as I took a stretch, letting me know that I was actully awake.  I got out of bed, as I sighed and walked over to the window. I looked around the yard, seeing the guarden full of vestables, in it's section of the yard.  I cracked a smile as a knock came on the door, as it cracked open. "Skylar, are you awake?" Yuma asked, as I turned around. "You can come in" I said, as he fully open the door, and came in.  He had a plate that contains a couple peaces of toast and an egg that sat in the middle of it.  He had a glass of what looked like to be water in his other hand, and clothes draped over the arm.  He walked up to the desk, as he put the plate and the glass on the table. He took a sigh as he spoke. "Take you time. But I made you breakfast before you start" he said, as he took the clothes from his arm. "Here's a change of clothes. If they fit, they'll be your work clothes.  It's good to keep a spare change of clothes when your out in the guarden.  Take your time, no rush.  When your done, come out back to where I showed you the other day, and we'll get started" he said, as I nodded. "Ok. Thank you" I said as he nodded and started to walk out of the room.  He stopped halfway as he grabbed the handle. "Oh and when your done breakfast, bring your dishes down to Ruki, then come outside.  If you get stuck, ask someone to show you. Alright?" he finished with, as I nodded. "I'll be out" I said, as he cracked a smile. "Take your time with eating" he said, as he closed the door behind him.

I sighed as I walked over to the table, and looked at the clothes.  There was a pair of ripped up jeans, a red and black plad shirt, and a pair of boots sat on the side of the desk.  I pulled out the chair as I started to eat, taking my time like I was told to.  I took another bite of the egg, as I took a sip from the glass, tasting the egg and all it's flavor.  I put my fork down, as I thought to myself. A memory of the farm shot into my head, as my eyes started to water a bit. "This is what it tasted like when dad made it" I thought to myself, as a tear dripped down my cheek. I took a bite, tasting the memories of my childhood as it started to come back to me. "How did he know that I liked my eggs this way?" I thought to myself as I started to hurry up, knowing that Yuma was waiting.  I took my glass of water as I finished it completley.  I then got up as I put on the clothes that was in front of me.  I walked up to the mirror as I adjusted the plad overshirt to where I wanted it.  I buttoned it at the middle, as I let the rest loose.  I cocked my head to the side, as I examined it, seeing it not looking right to me.  I buttoned it completley from that one to the bottom, as I looked at it again.  "Better" I said, as I put the brush through my hair, as I picked up my plate, and walked downstairs.

Ruki was at the sink cleaning the dishes, he had a tray of clean ones on the left and a little pile of dirty ones to his right.  Ruki was wearing a black apron, as he scrubbed at the dishes in the sink.  He put one in the sink as he grabbed the next one.  He was the only one in the kitchen now, cleaning dished and humming to himself, as he did them.  I walked closer to the sink as I cleared my throat.  "Um, where do you want these?" I asked him, making him stop to turn around.  "Oh, you can just put them here" he said, as he tapped on the counter with the dirty dishes.  I sighed as I walked over, and put them where he wanted them.  "Thank you" he said, as he continued.  I nodded as I started to walk out, but then looked back. "Do you want some help with them?" I asked, as he cut me off. "No, but if you could go see Yuma, you'll be working in the guarden today.  He's already out there, getting things ready" he said, as I nodded.  "Ok, thank you" I said, as I walked out of the room.  I walked into the livingroom as I started to head for the door.   I opened the door, smelling the fresh scent of the air as I stepped outside.  I walked a few ways from the mansion, as I turned to head towards the garden.  The guarden was full of life this morning, bright green plants with vestables on them, ready for picking.  I looked over seeing Yuma go into a shed, then come out with gloves and a few things.  "Alright, you ready?" he asked, as I nodded.  "Yep, ready as ever" I said, as I took the gloves from him, and put them on.

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