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It has been a while since the world was full of light.  There was no such things as vampires or creatures of the night. There was once a thing called the sun, that lit up the world, and covering every shadow with the beam of a bright light, that brought a upright mood to the world.  Animals would feed on my mother's apple orchard, and leaving their belongings for us as fertilizer. The water in front of our orchard would glow a sky blue, with white glows that shined when the sun hit off of them.  The dog wouldn't bark at all, except for the breeze that brushed against the earth, cooling it down with the sun's gaze. I used to go out every morning, and pick apples off the tree's for the pie that my mom makes, fresh from the oven for breakfast.  She would put a nice, juicy slice on the table with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, that she bought at the store. I only had pie for breakfast on the weekend when my dad was gone to work, selling our apples in the town, which was a daily thing for us.  Every once in a while, my mom would make a pie for him to sell along with the apples.  It was our little business, seeing that we didn't have enough money to take care of ourselves.  It's my dad's dream to sell more than just apples, and my mom's pastries, but for our lifestyle, we were too poor to afford more trees.  Our property came with the apples which belonged to an old farmer that grew apples.  We got it from the old farmer, who loved the farm and wanted to see it in good health, and by people that would take care of the apples.

I remember walking around the orchard with both my mom and dad, holding my mom's hand as we walked through the perimeter.   I looked at the trees, and the shiny red apples that hung from it's branches.  My mom kept me close, as we walked through what was going to be my dad's new work place, taking in all the nature as I could.  My golden brown hair, flew in the wind as it drifted off behind me, letting the breeze brush onto my neck as I walked along the trees.  I had on my shorts and black tee shirt, with a little flower on it. My little sandals, kicked at the dirt and rocks of the apple orchard, making  me step on pebbles in the process.  We just finished walking off the perimeter of the orchard in the beating sun and it's killer raze.  We finished as we got back to the cabin that sat in front of the orchard.  It was just a little cabin build out of a light wood of a oak tree, with white shudders that was also made out of oak.  The door was a oak screen door that was painted a light green, which didn't match the house at all.  We made it up the porch and into the kitchen, which only had a sink and counter, a old wood stove, that heated up the place, and the stove.  A pile of coal sat next to it, waiting for the next time to be chucked into the fire. I watched the flickering of the fire, as I held my mom's hand and keeping close to her in fear.  We were getting ready to close on this house, in the middle on nowhere, having the only thing but apple trees for survival.  I listened to both my mom and dad talking with this man as I finally tuned into what they were saying.

"I know. This is going to be a place where your daughter will run free, but only in the daytime.  At night, the vampires will come to take their share of apples, once a week" the man selling our house said.  My dad sat there in thought. "Why do I have a feeling that there's a downside to this?" he said, as the man sighed.  "There is.  When they come, you got to fill a barrel of apples or they'll kill you, drain your blood until your dead.  Then they'll take you body for research" the man said, as I looked at him.  I clung to my mom's leg as I started to shake from his words.  It scared me to think that a vampire could have us all dead, before my dad's business ever started.  My mom put her hand on the side of my head as she rubbed it for comfort.  I squeezed on her leg as I listened to the next part.  "What about Skylar? She needs a place to grow up and go to school.  How is she going to learn" my mom said, as she kept me close, not wanting to let go.  The man smiled as he looked down at me, with big green eyes that reminded me like a cat eyes.  "Schooling will have to be on your behalf to teach her how to live her own life.  As for a schoolboard, I believe that there's no other way for her to learn in a public place."  My dad nodded as he sighed. He turned to my mom as he spoke. "It's ok. I'll teach her how to garden, and we'll be all set" he said, as my mom sighed. "Fine, we'll take it" she said, as the man nodded.  We sat down with the man to fill out the papers as  he left, with my dad having the keys to the house.

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