Chapter 7

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I awoke with a pounding headake as I moaned awake.  I looked around, seeing myself in my bedroom at the Mukami mantion. I was in the room alone for what I thought, hearing the silence through the room. No page flipping of Ruki's book or Kou's music sheets. Nothing but the complete silence.  I moaned awake as I shifted to look out the window, seeing the moon up in the sky.  The cresent white moon sat in the black sky, as it shined in my room. Every once in a while, a cloud would drift over it, shadowing the moon and making my room darker for a moment. My head was still hurting a little bit, as I got a headake.  "What happend? Where's everyone?" I thought as I moaned awake, sitting up in my bed.  I pressed my hand to my head, as the wind rushed through me a bit.  "Here, take this" Ruki's voice spoke, as he handed me a little glass of blood.  I looked at the dark liquid as I took it from him, and drank from it. "Take slow sips. They took a lot from you and you don't want to become sick again" he said, as he walked over to the other side of the room, and sat at the desk. I took a little sip of the blood, tasting the iron of it against my toung.  It's been a while since I took blood, but at least it wasn't forced on me. I looked back out the window as I sighed, feeling tired as before.  I went to take another sip of the blood, as my hands began to shake, and I felt weaker again.  Ruki got up and grabbed the blood from me.  He lied me against his arm, as he sighed. He pressed the cup against my mouth as the blood poured down my throat.  I flinched at the iron taste, as I looked up at Ruki. He cracked a smile as he spoke. "Thanks, for not fighting me with this, like you did at the shelter with the guard" he said, as the cup finished, and he pulled it away.  I moaned as I liked there, feeling stronger slowley from the blood.  

Ruki put the glass on the nightstand, as he rested me up against the pillows. He fixed them so I was sitting up in bed.  I looked at my hands as I sat there in silence. "Uh, thanks Ruki" I said, as I continued to study them.  Ruki was quiet at first, but spoke with a questioned voice. "Why are you thanking me? I'm just doing what has to be done" he said, as I looked at him. He was still fixing the pillows, as he stopped, then went for the blankets in front of me. "Um, you could've let me die when those two took my blood. But you still fed more to me, and took care of me" I said, as I looked at my hands.  Ruki studied me as he sighed. "I'm just taking care of the family. Plus you still have a job to do, and school is going to be comming up. You should rest for that" he said, as he got up and grabbed the empty glass. "I'm going to make dinner. I'll bring some up to you when it's ready" he said, as he started to walk out of the room.  I rolled to my side as I rested my head on my pillow.  I looked at Ruki as he looked at me. "If there's anything else, let someone know" he said, before he shut the door, and left me to rest.  I lied my head back on the pillow as I closed my eyes, and fell into a deep sleep.

A hour later

I awoke to the sound of dishes clanking outside the door. I cracked my eye lids as I saw the door creek open, and Ruki walked in with a tray of food.  It was some type of pasta dish, with a piece of bread and anoter cup of blood. He sighed as I shifted in my bed to look up at him. "Alright, you ready for supper?" he asked as he put the tray on the nightstand on the side of me.  I didn't say anything, due to the confusion that ran through my head.  Ruki sighed as he sat on the bed, and put his arms around my waste. "Ok, ready" he said, as he pulled me up into a sitting position.  I would've done it myself, but I was getting too weak again.  He rubbed his hand on my head, as he slid down to feel my cheek.  "Hmm, maybe you need more of the blood" he said, as he looked at the tray next to him.  He reached for the cup of blood, as he popped the rim in my mouth, and poured it down my throat.    My eyes widened as he sat there, feeding me this blood.  I quickly pulled my head away as blood then poured down my cheek. "Come on Skylar, your turning weaker" he said, as he tried to do it again.  Once again, I took a little, then pulled away from him, as my head banged up against the wall.

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