"Why did Nott say to keep our clothes on?" she immediately turned to me, her face heating up and I smiled, quickly kissing her reddening cheek as I pulled her onto my lap.

"Oh, Nott knows." I said dismissively, going to take another shot when the bottle was pulled out of my hand a very peeved Carina stared down at me from her high perch on my lap, I shrugged, "I had to get his trust somehow."

A flabbergasted expression greeted my confession and she went to get off my lap at once, struggling against me as my arms tightened around her, "Calm down, Rina." I said, placating, "He promised not to tell anyone."

"He just told me!" she hissed back, ceasing her quiet unnecessary grinding on my lap, which to my benefit I was both liking and disliking.

I sighed, slumping back as I regarded her slightly pink face, a green tinge on it reflected from the windows, her hair looked different, darker and lighter at the same time, "Your roots are showing." I murmured, a finger tracing her side part as she stilled altogether.

"I'll get them touched up at Christmas." She whispered, hitting my hand away and getting comfortable. Thebattle in her head about whether she should be mad at me or not seemingly over, as she sighed and took a swig from the bottle herself.

Good for her, it gives courage.

As for the change in her appearance...

"Don't." my voice came, before I could stop myself and she raised an eyebrow at my face, almost making me feel hot under my collar, I cleared my throat, "You always looked better with darker hair."

Her face scrunched up, "You still remember them?" she asked, tilting her head adorably, and I pulled her closer, nodding as I curled a stray lock over my finger. If I remember correctly she loves getting her scalp massaged.

She moaned softly as I ran my finger down her hair, resting her head on my shoulder her body arching into me, "Don't." she whimpered so I stopped.

She was right of course.

And it hit me with profound clarity then, that no matter how many pranks, curses and jinxes I had pulled on her the past year, I didn't hate her. I hated the fact that I had to hate her for being who she was.

'You're not your father, Dray.'

She'd said that, and the more time I reflected on what was happening back at home, what my father expected me to be and do at school, I had realised that I was not my father. And it might be the firewhiskey talking, but I didn't wish to be either.

I was Draco, Dray even and this beautiful girl used to be one of my best friends, for who I was, not the one I projected. Carina didn't judge me when I bullied a lowerclassman for talking back, she tried to help the poor guy and make me realise that I could fuck up all I want, but she would always be there to remind me that she will undo it all and make me want to fix it.

I'd almost stopped bullying people too.

"I'm sorry about Ed, Hadley." I whispered into her citrusy hair, inhaling it to catalogue it in my mind, when she pulled away, looking at me with a shocked expression, her lips ajar.

Her hazel eyes were shining, even in the dark, is that possible?

So I pulled her closer, her face level with mine, "You deserved a father." I said, sincerely meaning it, "As much as I don't agree with my father, it would still be shit without him."

A breath-taking smile lifted her face, and she pressed a chaste kiss on my lips, "I hope to Merlin you remember this tomorrow, Dray." She sighed happily, her arms wrapping around my neck, "Because I can't bear to lose my friend again."

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