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Jayda pov

I was woken up by people making a lot of noise on the plane indicating that we landed so we got off the plane and went to go get our suitcases off the spinning thing.

(A/N : I don't know what that's called)
We left out the airport and I seen my aunts car parked across the street.

We walked to her car and she jumped out screaming .

"Jaydaaaa, Kennedyyyy I missed y'all.

"We missed you too" we said and hugged her and put our luggage in her trunk then got in her car.

"Ok so I heard that y'all bout to be styling famous people, so if y'all find someone thats around my age pmd cuz Im tryna get me Some famous dickkk ahhhhh."

"Auntie liv you're terrible."

"Shittt I'm tried of fucking With my lame ass nigga he don't do shit, but he got good dick but I need someone who got something going for themselves and got good dick."

"Ok imma find you someone" Kennedy said sarcastically.

My aunt is my mother's little sister, she has no filter but she's cool asf and I feel like I can tell her anything and she won't go to my mom telling her about my business

"So what's been going on in your dating life girls"

"Umm I'm not really fucking with anyone but I'm looking" Kennedy replied

"Well I'm not looking at all cuz all these niggas ain't shit "

"She lying imma find her a nigga watch" Kennedy implied

"Ahhh I doubt it"

"Ok we'll see"




We pulled up to the front of the hotel and that shit looked big asf. We was at a five star hotel. Everything and everyone was fancy and shit.

"Goddam" Aunt live gasped "this shit big as hell they must got money if they letting you stay here"

"IKR this shit is fancy but a lil to fancy, they might have cameras everywhere and then we can't act out cuz we might get kicked out" Kennedy stated

"Girl idk"

We got our suitcases and went to the front desk.

"Hi I'm Jayda and she's Kennedy and umm xxl is supposed to be paying for our stay at this hotel"

"Yes . . . here is your card, room 503.

"Thank you"

"You're welcome have a nice day."

"You too"

We walked to the elevator and clicked 5 for the fifth floor and looked for our room door. When we found it we opened it and seen the hotel room and it looked like an apartment, that's how big this shit was. It had two room and a bathroom in each room, had a big ass kitchen and a flat screen tv.

I went to my room and seen a red card on the table so I picked it up and read it and it said to call the number on the card.

*phone conversation*


"Hello my name is Ms.Bradly I'm the receptionist at xxl, did you find everything ok so far?"

"Yes I have"

"Ok so let me tell you the plan if you look on your bed your gonna see an envelope and in that envelope it's gonna be the xxl credit card, so when your finished settling down theirs gonna be a black car outside waiting for you so you can go to the mall and buy things for the artist you and Kennedy are going to be styling."

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