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-Sadie's P.O.V-

We all walk over to the house by the forest.
"Have you ever noticed our eyes resemble our element?" I ask, "For example, Scarlet is blood and her eyes are red. Auni is sun and moon and her eyes change from a golden bronze to silver throughout the day. Alice is harm and healing and her eyes occasionally look dull and empty, no offense, and sometimes look bright and full of life. Luke's eyes are light green and he's growth. Talia's eyes are dark, misty green and she's poison. Sasha is speed and her eyes are extremely light blue and dart from place to place. And I'm sound and my eyes are blue with slightly darker rings like sound waves."
"That's probably because the author didn't know what to write for the first hundred words." Auni says
"What?" Luke asks
"What?" She asks brushing it off
"We're here." Sasha says, we walk inside the giant house
"It's about time." Lilly says jokingly, Scarlet rolls her eyes
"When are our parents gonna be here?" Scarlet asks
"Soon," Fox says, "Like 5 minuets."
"So have any of you leaned what you can do or something?" I ask. Fox turns into a fox, Auni and Alice turns into a wolf, and Scarlet switches between animals.
"Anyone else?" I ask
"My mom taught me some things." Luke says, he makes the plant on the coffee table grow, Talia makes a small green cloud appear which I assume is a poison cloud, Krystal touches the floor and a rock forms out of the ground, and Lilly decorates Luke's plant with flowers.
"Ok, Sasha, Grace, can you do anything?" Fox asks
"I have super speed." Sasha says
"And I can reverse time." Grace says, she holds her hand up to Luke's plant, it slowly becomes its original size again.
"We're here!" Scott says walking in
"Took you long enough." Scarlet says rolling her eyes
"Ok, everyone, partner up." Will says, Krystal and Grace pair up, Lilly and Lilac, Scarlet and Auni, Luke and Alice, Talia and Fox, and Sasha and me. We all head outside to practice.
"Ok everyone, just practice while we talk." My mom says, we all start working on forming or working with our element. Krystal is making small rocks into bigger ones and Grace is reversing it. There's a rustle in the trees which makes our parents (and Oli) stand, ready to fight. Thousands of creatures emerge from the trees.
"Phantoms!" My mom says under her breath, she disappears into a beam of light. Scarlet has a black dagger with a blood red ruby encrusted in the handle, she flicks it at one of the Phantoms. It hits it in the chest. Scarlet picks up the dagger and flicks off the blood. Krystal is hitting them with rocks while Fox strikes some with lightning. Talia is knocking them out with clouds of poison while Sasha is keeping it contained by running around it. Grace is reversing the beams and punches the Phantoms throw at her and returns them with hard punches. Luke and him mom are making vines, then whipping them at the Phantoms. After a while they start to retreat.
"Ugh, great, you guys started giving off auras." Yammy says
"It was exiting though." Joey says
"Because you don't have to clean everything up." Yammy says, she re assembles everything that broke, "Is everyone ok?"
"Yeah." Lilly, Luke and Lilac (I had to) say in unison
"Ok, why don't we practice in the gym." Ovi says, we all head inside

-Talia's P.O.V-

Hi, I'm Talia. Since no one else wants to *glares at the other descendants*, I'll explain what's happening and introduce us. Is it alright if I break the fourth wall for a little? *Looks at author*
Author: *nods*
Ok, hi, I'm Talia, I'm the daughter of Shelby, the guardian of light, and Parker, the guardian of light's husband. I am the guardian of sound. I'm 14 years old and I'm a freshman. Scarlet is the daughter of Ursa and Sam/Star. She's sorta edgy but not gothic, she's the guardian of blood and insanity. Instead of me explaining it all go look at the description of this book. Ok, Yammy, I need you to fix the fourth wall. On with the story.

I walk into school to find a huge crowd in the hallway, greeeaaat.
"What's going on?" I ask myself and push to the front of the crowd. Standing there is Sebastian and Scarlet.
"Come on, fight me." Sebastian taunts
"No." She says calmly
"I know you won't." He taunts, "You coward." He floats up to the ceiling then falls back down, hard.
"Don't call me a coward." She says, she starts to walk away but he gets up
"Or what? You coward." He taunts, he black dagger appears in her hand.
"Scarlet, no." I say, her red eyes went from their normal, calm red to an untamed, wild red. She flicks her wrist and throws it. Insanity, fuck. I hit it out of its path with a wisp of poison. It's starts to head towards Krystal. She blocks it with a rock shield. The three of us look at each other. What did we just do? We run out of school and hide in the forest that's bordering the school property.
"We just fucked up so badly." Krystal says, Scarlet and I nod, her dagger disintegrates. We watch out friends walk out of school.
"Oh my GOD guys!" Alice, "What the f-heck were you thinking?"
"Self defense." Krystal says
"Scarlet! You could've killed Sebastian!" Auni says, "What the fuck?!"
"But I didn't now did I?" Scarlet says, "He deserves to die."
"No he doesn't!" Luke says
"What do you mean?" Alice asks, "He doesn't deserve to die, but he deserves to get punched in the face once, twice or repeatedly."
"The only reason he does that is because people hurt him." Luke says
"So? People hurt us and we don't go around acting like butts." Alice says
"Alice, your mom." Luke blurts, "You know what happened to your mom."
"Oh." She says quietly, we all just sit in silence
"We're gonna get in so much trouble when we get home." Luke says, we all nod in agreement.

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