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-Sebastian's P.O.V-

I open my eyes to see Luke staring back at me.
"I never noticed how green your eyes are." I say making him laugh. (for some reason)
"Ugh, I don't want to get up." He says, "We have training today."
"When is that?" I ask him
"I think 12." He says
"It's 10:37 so we should probably get up." I say, we get up and get dressed. We hang out for a little and play games to pass the time. At 11:50 we head over to the house.
"It looks so good!" I hear Alice say, they're talking about Tyler's haircut.
"Ayee, welcome to the short hair club." I say
"Can we start?" Scarlet asks, we all nod.
We work on our powers for a little. Some of us spar and some of us practice of training dummies. I hit Scarlet in the shoulder with a beam of something. It starts to bleed.
"Are you ok?" I ask her, she touches her shoulder and nods. Her blood is purple and blue.
"I got my mom's blood." She says before I ask, "She doesn't understand why her's isn't red and I don't either." It stops bleeding. We continue to spar for a little while.
"Ugh, we have school tomorrow." Luke complains
"Damn it. I didn't do my homework." Scarlet says
"Don't worry, I didn't either." I tell her, she rolls her eyes.
"So Tyler and Sasha, are you guys like a thing or what?" Lilac asks, they look at each other and shrug.
"I dunno." Tyler says
"Tyler do you like Sasha?" He nods, "Sasha do you like Tyler?" She nods, "Tyler, do you want you guys to be a thing?"
"I dunno, I guess."
"Sasha?" She asks
"I dunno. Sure I guess." She says
"Ok, Tyler, do you have a date to the dance?" She asks
"No." He says
"No." She says
"Tyler, do you want to ask Sasha something?" She asks
"Uh, Sasha, do you wanna go to the dance with me?" He asks
"Sure." She says, Lilac smiles and goes back to attacking a dummy.

-Justin's P.O.V-(This is gonna be a short one)

I wake up and get dressed, I walk downstairs and make pancakes. Shoot, I need to go. I grab a pancake and put the rest in the fridge for Abbie. I grab my backpack and start walking to school. I get to my locker when my phone buzzes.

Hey students of Mashport High. I have recently discovered the Justin Tolin likes Scarlet. As in the Scarlet Witch. In other news, Talia Ayesha is now going by Tyler and is dating Sasha *insert last name here*. Lilac, our Queen of Hearts has been doing her job getting various couples together. That's it for today. Gossip195 out.

I can't believe it. I haven't told anyone I like Scarlet. I'm still trying to figure out if I do. I look up from my phone to see Scarlet close her locker and rush down the hall followed by some of her friends. Great.

-Alice's P.O.V-

At the end of class my teacher pulls me aside.
"I need you to tutor a student." She says
"Me? Why not someone who has better grades than me?" I ask, I'd be fine with tutoring if it did involve talking to new people.
"There's four kids who get straight A's." She says, "You, Scarlet, Grace and Auni. Scarlet already said no. And both Grace and Auni have after school programs."
"When do I have to do it?" I ask, "And who?"
"Tuesdays and Cris Saline." She says
"I mean, I don't really have a choice." I say, Cris is ok, she's very hard headed and isn't afraid to say rude things to stand up for herself.

"Hey, you guys doing anything next week?" Scarlet asks when we sit down for lunch.
"I have clubs." Auni's says, "Everyday except Tuesdays and Thursdays."
"Anyone else?" She asks
"I'm busy Fridays, Wednesdays and Tuesdays." Grace says
"I'm busy Tuesdays." I say
"Doing what?" Scarlet asks, "You don't usually don't do things after school."
"I have to tutor." I say looking at her
"What? I didn't want to." She says
"And I did?" I ask her
"You would be better at it." She says, "Plus you have better grades."
"No I don't." I say, "We both have straight A's."
"Ok, you have a higher GPA." She corrects
"By 0.1." I say
"0.2." She corrects, "I'm down to a 3.8."
"You still have the third highest GPA in our year." I say
"And you have the highest." She says, I roll my eyes, "You can't change it now."
"I know." I say, "But you'd be better. You like talking to people."
"I don't like talking to people." She says, "I just express myself more than you do."
"By punching people in the face." I say
"Who do you even have to tutor?" She asks
"Cris." I say, "Cris Saline."
"I don't like her." Scarlet says scrunching up her nose, "She's too stubborn."
"You're even more stubborn than she is." I say
"That doesn't matter." She says, "I still don't like her."
"And I don't like the fact I have to tutor." I say
"God, will you please give up." She says
"What? I'm just talking about how I have to tutor, you don't have to listen." I say
"You're sitting at the same table." She says
"And?" I ask
"So what's your problem with tutoring?" She asks
"Talking to people." I say, "Having to take my time to teach someone else."
"Oh my god Alice." She says
"Can we talk about something else?" Tyler asks
"What?" I ask, "What is 'Oh my god Alice?'" Tyler drops his fork and walks out of the cafeteria. We all just sit in silence.
"He's been in a mood." Sasha tells us, "It's not just you guys." We all sit in silence eating. Sasha gets up and walks into the hall with Tyler.
Why do you have a problem with tutoring Cris?
I don't. It's just the fact I don't have a choice.
Do we have any other reasons?
I shake my head to myself. I don't want to tutor and I'm tired of being pushed around because my friends think I'm weak. Because they can say 'no' but I can't. I am not weak.

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