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-Tyler's P.O.V-

I flop onto my bed. I can't help myself, I start to cry.
"Tyler?" My mom asks from the other side of my door.
"Yes?" I ask trying not to sound like I've been crying.
"Are you ok?" She asks
"Sorta." I squeak
"Can I come in?" She asks, I nod.
"I'm gonna assume you just nodded because you forgot your door is closed." She says coming in, "What's wrong?"
"Nothing." I say into my bed.
"What's wrong?" She asks again
"I... you wouldn't understand." I say
"Of course I won't." She says, "That's practically my job in your words."
"I hate waking up in the morning and remembering I'm not a boy." I say, "I hate going to school in the morning still being called a girl. Being called Talia. I just hate this."
"Tyler. You may not look like a boy, but you are one." She says, "And screw what the kids at your school think."
"Why couldn't I have born a boy?" I ask no one in particular
"Because you're 500 times more amazing because you're not afraid to be yourself even if you were born a girl." She says
"Ugh, thanks Mom." I say, "Do you really have wings?" She laughs
"Yeah." She says
"Can I see them?" I ask, two wings appear on her back.
"Holy shit." I say looking at the feathered wings
"I'm gonna ignore that swear." She says, "They are cool though." She flaps them
"Can you teach me how to make them appear?" I ask, she nods and tells me how to do it.
"Don't think of a specific kind of wing." She says, "It has to be general but not too general." After a couple more tries green feathery wings appear on my back.
"Oh my god." I say, "Cool!"
"So you and Sasha..." She says trying to get me to talk.
"I dunno." I say, "I mean, I like her and she likes me but..."
"But you're not sure." She says, "Reasonable." I flop back down on my bed and wrap myself in my wings, "So how are your friends?"
"They're ok." I say, "Scarlet and Alice got in a minor fight."
"They've always fight, but they still get along." She says, "They're weird like that."

-Auni's P.O.V-

I flop down on my couch and just sit there.
"Long day?" My mom (Bella) asks
"Yeah." I say, my golden wings surround me with warmth.
"So how was your day?" My mom (Ovi) asks sitting in one of the chairs
"It was fine." I say
"What's on your mind?" My mom (Bella) asks
"Just Alice." I say, "She hate being called weak but does nothing to stand up for herself."
"People react to being called something they hate in different ways." My mom (Bella) says, "Would you attack someone if they called you something that doesn't describe you?"
"I guess not." I say, "Nobody ever has."
"Alice takes her emotions out on other things." My mom (Bella) says
"I guess." I say, "I never really thought about it like that."

-Krystal's P.O.V-

My phone starts to ring.
"Hey Grace." I say, "What's up?"
"Not much, just bored." She says
"Ok, what do you wanna talk about?" I ask
"I dunno, you?" She says
"I don't feel like going to the dance tomorrow." I say
"Me neither." She says, "Aren't you helping to set up?"
"Yeah." I say, "I just don't feel like going."
"I have to go." She says, "Well I don't have to but my friends and I were gonna go together."
"So I guess we both have to go." I say
"Yeah." She says, "Shit, I need to go. Bye."
"Bye." I say, she hangs up. I put my face in my pillow. I don't want to go to the dance. Why? Why do I not wanna go to that dance? I'm not sure. Maybe it's because I just don't want to. Maybe it's because I don't want to go alone. Or maybe it's because the person I want to go with doesn't want to go with me.

-Alice's P.O.V-

"Hi, your Cris." I say as she sits down
"And you're Alice." She says sounding a little annoyed, "Can we get on with this?" I nod.

"See you next Tuesday." I say walking out of the library
"Alice." I voice says from behind a bookshelf
"Yes Grace?" I ask looking at her
"How'd you know it was me?" She asks
"Your voice is pretty distinct." I say, "What's this about?"
"What's it like to like a girl?" She asks, "How do you know?"
"What? I don't like a... what?" I ask confused
"You like Cris." She says, "I can tell you do."
"Ok, why do you want to know this?" I ask
"What is this fucking 20 questions?" She asks, "I'm wondering because I-I don't know..."
"Do you like someone?" I ask her
"Yes, no, I don't know." She says
"Who?" I ask
"I... I like Krystal." She says, I don't know what to say so I just stand there looking like an idiot.
"You guys would look cute together." I eventually say
"I'd rather be single." She says

"Hey freaks." Julian says talking to Sasha, Tyler, Auni, Scarlet and me
"What do you want Julian?" Scarlet asks annoyed
"I have a problem you assholes." He says
"And we have a problem with you ass." Scarlet says
"Scarlet, we're gonna be late to class." I say
"Yeah, listen to your little friend and run away you coward." He says, "I heard the word bothered you." Her eyes become their violent, wild red.
"Don't call her a coward." Tyler says
"Or what? You gonna fight me little girl?" He taunts. This is not gonna end well. Julian already knows the words the will get to Scarlet and Tyler.
"You know, it's impolite to call people something they're not." Sasha says, "Lucky for me, I can still call you an asshole."
"Go away." He says, "Invisible." Auni rolls her eyes but Sasha looks upset. She doesn't love the spotlight but she hates being ignored.
"Will you stop?" Auni asks sounding irritated, "You're just as bad as a 5 year old. Defending yourself with name calling."
"Is that so?" Tate asks coming up behind him, "Well just like your little friends there's a word that hurts you too."
"And that is?" She asks
"You wouldn't know, you idiot." She says. She's right, Auni can't stand being called an idiot.
"I'm not an idiot." She says
"Your as smart as your friend is a boy." Julian says, Tyler glares at him.
"Guys, stop." I say
"Or what?" Julian asks me, "What are you gonna do about it?" He knocks my books out of my arms.
"Leave her out of this." Scarlet says
"Why? Because the wimp can't fight her own battles?" He taunts
"That's enough." A voice says. Cris, "Haven't you learned to listen to people who're smarter than you? You might actually lean something."
"You should try that too." He says, "You could lean more than me."
"You can talk to me like that, but not them." She says
"Cris you don't have to-" I start to say
"Why? Little weaklings need to learn how to deal with the truth." Tate says
"I'm not weak." I say, Tate and Julian look at me and start to laugh.
"Yeah, and I don't want to punch you right now." Julian says sarcastically
"Touch her once and-" Scarlet starts to say
"Let him." I say, I don't know what washed over me. He walks up to me and goes to punch me. I duck out of the way, grab his arm and twist it. I hold it behind his back.
"I am not weak." I say, I hold it for a couple more seconds before I walk off to class.

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