please give me a chance

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Hope pov

I woke up to the best warm feeling i ever known  , i felt safe for the first time in a long time , i was scare to open my eyes i didn't want the feeling to be a dream and me ruin it by opening my eyes .... i sit there and just enjoy the moment sadly it will end  soon .... i feel two strong arms get tighter around my side ...mmmm thats smell of home got the best of me i open my eyes to see my room ...when i look around i come face to face with my love love really is that what he is or if he just a hope to make me believe and then crush me again ..i want to believe i need to believe is like he could feel me cuz at that time he open his golden eyes ...i felt like i can drown in them .....i took my time to look at him really look at him from this close his nothing like my nightmare .....i can see in his eyes pain so deep ....i wish i could take it away ..i wish i could help him but how can i help him when i don't know how to make my own pain go away ...i didn't notice that i was crying until i felt his finger tip brush my tear away .so soft with so much care i want to just fall into him and let him take over i just don't want to hurt no more ...i cant take no more pain

i try to move and in a soft voice i heard

"please don't take this moment away so fast let me enjoy the peace God please love me Hope,  give me a Chance to show u that im different that i will never hurt u that i can love u forever . let me be there for u let me fight away your nightmares please tell me what to do i will give u the moon i will bleed for u i will kill u enemies and bring u there heart please please don't push me away i can take anything but i leaving me after everything we been thru we deserve this for us we deserve to love to be happy to move on please" said Lazarus

i felt him move and i felt this panic but he didn't go far he just got on his knees and just started to cry to beg for a Chance i felt this need in me to make him happy but i will be careful .

i heard my self say "shhhhh is okay i will but please promise me that u will give me time that u will not hurt me and i will give u the Chance'.

he move so fast that i jump away scare i hide my face waiting for him to  hit me but i never did  ....

"baby baby please look at me please im sorry all i wanted was a hug im sorry i scare u please forget me love" said Lazarus

"here let me help you up ...u can relax and i will bring you breakfast " he continue saying

He help me up and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek so quick that i didn't even have time to panic i watch him walk away with the biggest smile i have ever seen

for once i feel peace

now all i have to worry is about my mother wow my mother will she love me or hate me like

my father  really i wish i could erase him out of my life

But i will take one day at a time and today i will give my mate the chance to make me smile


sorry is short and it took me this long to upload but i have allot of  thing going on in my life but i back and ready to keep this story going

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2012 ⏰

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