sorry dont cut it

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Lazarus pov

her words keep running trough my head . my mate my poor mate have been trough so much as i watch her walk away my heart had never felt this much pain no even when my parent got murder ...

i felt lost for words all i feel is this burning inside of me for revenge

i look around to see my sister with tear running down her face another life i destroy by been a coward this end today more self petty today i will take my place as Alpha back and i will not stop till my brother and his man are dead but first i will tell my mate what she mean to me ...because today i will trow my self in war and i don't want to die with out her knowing what i think of her ...

i look back at her uncle at aunt and at her mother many life ruin because of this dirt bag in front of me i will be to easy to give him death. no the bastard will suffer first i look at him

U have no idea what u have done today...i turn to Alpha Black and said .... I LAZARUS LAZORIO TAKE BACK  WHATS MINE MY POSITION BY BIRTH ..I TAKE BACK THE ALPHA POSITION OF THE LAZO PACK ..i scream and with those words i when down to my knees feeling the power of my ancestors the power i was born too i felt burning all over my body i felt my wolf howl with power blood was running hotter .....i notice when people started to move away from me i know what they scare of   My family been known to be warrior our marking define us of how strong and how powerful we are once u become the Alpha not only that u get u own marking but u get a mark for every warrior that have pass i have a trible tattoo on the left side of my face that define my position to all others and tribles running all over my body that define my power ,  once i knew that i was a fully Alpha i stand to my full stand and address Alpha black

I Alpha lazo pledged my self and my pack to u service in war

and i declare war in front of u to Lazier and his man and anybody that fallows him

and i also demand " i look at the dirt bag in the floor and point at him "his head in a platter for my mate"

i waited for his answer he came to me and said me and my warrior will pledged our service to my niece mate in war he gave me a pat on my back and said" welcome back Alpha Lazo" .

but then he said "u don't have to demand his head in a platter he will be dealt with"

i turn to look at my sister when she notice i was looking at her she lower her head and was getting ready to go to her knees for me out of respect and commitment to the pack .i stop her and told hr

u never bow to me or any other do u understand u my blood the only blood i still have a life u never bow to me i mused had  said it to loud cuz she move away and i  notice a growl coming from behind me when i turn i notice a tall guy looking at my sister and growling at me ......and i smile cuz i knew what that meant my sister will not be alone when i die . i lower my head with approval and walk away to fallow my mates .

 Hope pov

James had just left my room when i heard my door being open i didn't have to look to know who it was my wolf was already screaming Mate Mate i feel him getting near my bed ..i wanted to tell him to go but i just didn't have any fight left in me so i just waited to see what he wanted

"hope love i know u are hurt and the best thing i can do is leave u and never come back this will kill me but it will kill me to see in u eyes all the hate u hold for me .....i wanted to be the first to tell u i took back the Lazo pack im the new Alpha and i will destroy Lazear and his man ...i can promise u that i will not be taken down but i promise i will take Lazear with me if is the last thing i do"

he ask to sit next to me and with out looking i nob my head and he sat next to me and his smell was so good and i brought tear to my eyes

I know sorry wont cut it but i want u to know that as u mate i am very sorry for what u been trough.. as u mate i feel u pain cut deep inside of me will never be okay u will always remember what u been trough but don't let that destroy who u really are, you a amazing woman, you are strong, you have friends and family that would gladly lay there life for u .....

.u have survive so much in u life and yet here u are surviving some more ... i understand now that u will never see me as u mate but i want you to know that i could have wish for a better mate ...what u been through make u unique and u will make a great future female alpha some day .

....i want you to know that i don't think less of u for what that trash did to u i understand that it was u pain i felt every night for the pass year i should have look into it more but i just though that i was going crazy so maybe i wasn't there when it all happen but i want u to know u didn't when to the pain by u self and i will take revenge for what was done to u every bruise, every cut ,every tear, that happen to you i will make him pay.."

At that i turn around to look at him and that when i notice the change for once i saw my Mate and not my abuser , for once i notice his eyes , his lips, his hair , his voice was deeper and soothing at the same time , for the first time i realize that im doing to my mate what my father and his pack did to me i'm making him pay for something he had nothing to do with for the first time in my whole life i was ashamed of what i have done....i just started to cry i can sense him panic and was getting ready to leave but i took his hand to stop him...he got closer to me pick me up and cuddle me will i cry my soul out every tear that run down my face to soak in his shirt right on top of his heart i felt more clean ,more alive, more my self , i felt my heart beat for the first time in a long time , this is it my mate is giving me life again. i saw for the first time my new life my second Chance to happiness , i have a mate, i have my mother back back home with my love ones ...i can say that finally i am complete while all this was going on....

i could hear him tell me he loves me that he will always be there for me when i'm ready that he will wait a eternity and if he dies before i could  love him that he will pray that i could be his on our next life.......

with tear still running down my face i look at him and look at his lips and did the thing that i would have never tough i would ever do i look into his eyes and kiss him.....and when he kiss me back i could tell that it was perfect my life was perfect , my mate was perfect..

this man with his silver eyes , with his soft lips , with the body hard as stone , this 6"2 tan man was everything i have ever dream of calling my own .....i knew i was pushing it when i felt him stop and try to look at my face i dont know what he was lookin gfor but i knew he found it cuz he kiss me one more time and hug me.

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