Volume 4: Runaways and Stoaways

Start from the beginning

I slowly unsheathed my weapon from my back, and stared at it. The colors that represented each part of my sword. As i look at my weapon, I thought of Pyrrha, Penny, Ozpin, and those who lost or didn't lost their lives at Beacon. Ruby saw me looking gloomy for some reason and soon noticed why when I was staring sadly at my weapon. Ruby walked her way towards, and places a hand on my shoulder. I tensed for a moment, but I soon calmed down when I saw it was Ruby.

Me: Hey, Ruby. Sorry if I'm looking a bit down right now. I.. I just miss everyone I know. My family, friends,... I really miss them.

Ruby: I know, I miss Weiss and the others too.

She reassures as she sit beside, placing a hand on mine as she smiled at me faintly.

Ruby: I'm sure they're fine.

Me: I know that my dad is okay. But....

Ruby: But....

Me: It's not my dad that I should be worried about. It's my elder sister.... I'm not sure if.... she got out from Beacon alive as after all... she will be going back to Mistral to resume her studies... I just hope she will be okay when I get to her.

I looked down in thought, even more worried for my father and my sister. Ruby decided to hug me above the waist out of comfort, much to my surprise.

Ruby: Aether's going to be fine, Shadow. You just have to trust her. I mean, people change eventually. For all we know, she could've been a tough fighter by now.

I couldn't help, but nearly chortle at the thought of seeing Aether trying her best to be tough-looking. It wouldn't surely be like herself anymore. And besides, during my time in Beacon, I promised that I will give her a match that she will remember when i graduate. It saddened me quite a bit that me won't be able to do it anymore, but I just hoped that she will be at Mistral. Distracted from my thoughts, I suddenly had an impression when I saw the river and the waterfall.

Me: Hey Ruby, wanna go for a swim while there's still time?

Ruby: Huh? Why?

Me: Nah, nothing really. I've always wondered how you would look on a bathing suit. (Winks)

Ruby: Oh, oka... wh-Wh-Wh-What?!


Blake's POV:

Seagulls call as a ship moves over peaceful blue waters. Passengers strolling across both the upper and mid decks. I rest my hands on the rail and stared out at the ocean with my arms crossed. I then heard sudden laughter behind me. I blinked and looks over my right shoulder, somewhat startled as I watched two kids laugh over a joke. I almost smiled and turned to look back at the ocean.

Just then footsteps approach.

???: Travelling alone?

I jumped as I grip the hilt of Gambol Shroud. I then halt my action when I saw the captain of the boat. The captain holds up his hands in a reassuring manner. 

RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now