chapter 1

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Jimin eyes the guy who sits in front of him at the library and smirks. He immediately stands up while grabbing his books tightly. He has the bad habit of losing the things he needs the most in the worst possible moments. It's happened so many times that now he almost has a damn rope tied around his school books. Mr. Park is definitely not allowing him to deliver an essay one day later ever again, regardless of his beautiful record of straight A's. He smiles proudly at the memory of him finishing an essay that had cost everyone in his class at least a month, in a night. And of course he had gotten the highest grade, yet again.
Pushing his ego aside, Jimin sits opposite the gorgeous pink-haired student and grins widely in his direction. "Is this seat taken?"
The guy stares at Jimin and shrugs nonchalantly before saying, "Now it is."
"Damn right it is," Jimin flashes him his most charming smile, a hand running around his bright blond hair before settling on the table where his books rest on a pile at his left, "I have a feeling I've seen you around here...glad I could finally talk to you."
"I'm Hoseok." The other replies, slightly shy, eye cast downwards while biting his lip in a way that makes Jimin want to bite it himself.
"Park Jimin." He introduces himself with a small bow of his head. His eyes go to the empty Starbucks cup next to the guy's own Chemistry and Literature books and a thought invades his mind. "Would you like to go get a cup of coffee?"
Hoseok almost chuckles but contains himself by covering with his right palm, his warm cappuccino stained breath fanning the pale skin of his hand. "I actually have a boyfriend..." He lets the las word sink in Jimin, who only smirks wider gaining a giggle from Hoseok he quickly disguises as a yawn. Jimin almost sees right through it but lets it slide.
"Well, where is this boyfriend of yours?" Jimin looks around dramatically, flexing his hands for good measure as if getting ready to fight.
And that's when Hoseok finally loses it and a big, loud, sunny laugh escapes . The hand that was previously covering is now hitting the table exaggeratedly, gaining some odd glances here and there. The librarian hushes them with an angry expression from her desk, frown deep and mad, though Jimin ignores her as he crosses his arms tightly over his chest with a frown of his own adorning his face.
Hoseok reaches his hand across the table to caress his boyfriend's hand but he pushes it away. "Aw, don't be mad, baby. It was actually pretty good until the street-fight face."
"Fuck you, I was trying!" Jimin defends himself with his head shaking in a comical way, but this time Hoseok succeeds in shutting the fuck up.
"I know you were. I'm sorry, okay? Please don't be mad at me," Hoseok pouts, making a fool of himself as usual. "I love what you did with your hair, by the way."
"It's called dyeing it." Jimin replies looking away from his boyfriend's eye rolling, not wanting to give into the compliment that easily. His nails hit the table noisily in a gesture that the pink-haired one hates but chooses to ignore.
"Right, of course." Hoseok nods in half understanding and half frustration. "Now come here." He waves his right hand towards his legs, moving his chair away from the table to make space for Jimin.
"We're at the library!" His boyfriend answers, flabbergasted at the other's request. Once again, the librarian hushes them and seems to be five minutes from kicking them out. Sadly, it wouldn't be the first time. The library is their spot ever since they started dating around a year ago, back when both of their hair was a boring dark brown.
"So?" Hoseok challenges him, one eyebrow raised almost touching his hairline, and Jimin looks at him, really looks at him; his inviting brown eyes, his small nose and smiling lips, his soft hair and muscular thighs...Jimin falls under the temptation and, with one absurdly cute giggle, goes over to sit on Hoseok's lap happily, who whispers 'my little mochi' repeatedly at the blonde and kisses his neck with loud noises.
"Yo, yo, you won't believe who I just saw." Yoongi interrupts their make out session, doing a huge favor to everyone around them and more importantly, the librarian who looks about to lose it for good.
"The president?" Hoseok chuckles, his hand secured around his boyfriend's waist.
"No, sadly. I do have a few things to discuss with him..." Yoongi says thoughtfully, one index finger tapping his chin. "Anyway, I just saw Jeon Jungkook."
"What?" Jimin stands up, almost throwing Hoseok off his chair. A rush of concerned thoughts and questions make their way to his mind. "How? When? Where? What?"
"Calm down, baby." Hoseok whispers as he tugs on the blonde's shirt sleeve, his thumb barely caressing the tender skin of his wrist.
"I saw him walking around with the dean. Everyone is talking about it."
"Everyone?" Hoseok asks, already not buying his best friend's choice of words, while leaning backwards with his chair.
"Well, a lot of people." Yoongi shrugs mildly annoyed, "I heard he got kicked out of Harvard."
"Of course he did. I can't believe he made it two full years." Jimin bites the inside of his cheek out of spite. He can't believe for the life of him that the only guy who ever got better grades than him, is back on his last year when he is supposed to get the best record on every class. It was already bad enough when he got valedictorian instead of him back in Senior year. But that's by far not the main source of his angriness. His best friend's face pops into his mind and he asks, "Does Tae know?"
"Doubt it. He's been practicing with Jin all morning." Yoongi replies with enough disinterest to make a stranger believe he doesn't give a crap about anyone but himself, but Hoseok knows him enough to know it's actually the other way around.
"Good. Keep it that way." Jimin mumbles before grabbing his books once more. He leans towards his boyfriend and gives him a soft peck on the lips. "I have to go now."
"Okay, text me later." Hoseok says, worry laced on his voice. He wishes Yoongi hadn't interrupted them with the bad news so Jimin could be smiling again. After he says goodbye to his boyfriend's best friend, Hoseok sends Yoongi a glare.
"What did I do?" The other innocently asks.
"Shut up."

him | taekookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora