chapter 15

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Jungkook feels his boyfriend's stare, dead frozen on him for about three minutes now. He arches an eyebrow, stops the frantic movement of his hands over the keyboard of his laptop as he regards him with a curious gaze. "Why are you looking at me like that?" he asks, and Taehyung flushes in return. He's the cutest thing ever in his eyes and he wonders how he ever got so lucky. God, he's such a sap, Yugyeom is right...he should just stop spitting fluff everywhere he goes. But then again, how could he stop with Taehyung laying over his legs wearing his white sweater and looking soft as fuck? He wants to cuddle with him but he needs to finish this project before he forgets about the deadline, again. He loves Taehyung but the guy is a huge distraction for him.

"I was just---your glasses are so cute. You look cute," he states before leaning on his hands and kissing Jungkook in the cheek. The touch of his lips is soft and warm and familiar and that's why Jungkook turns his head before Taehyung can get back to his previous position and kisses his mouth. The older seems to melt under the touch as he instantly parts his lips for him to lick inside his mouth. And the moment he does, Taehyung makes a sound so sinful and delicious that Jungkook has to force himself to break the kiss before things get too out of hand. He's not going to lie, there's nothing more he wants than to hold Taehyung down and fuck him against the mattress but---he can't. Not until Taehyung is ready and he refuses to fuck this up again.

But then Taehyung is whining and chasing after his mouth and he hates to have to refuse anything to him.

"Um, I should...the project," he explains pathetically, hands gesturing at the laptop now slightly tilted in his lap. Taehyung frowns but nods anyway, laying back on the bed.

"Sorry. Should I go?"

"No, there's no---no need," he rushes to reply and Taehyung nods again, gives him a small smile before he takes his phone out and begins playing a game there, a cute frown decorating his forehead as he focuses on the screen with tight fingers.

Jungkook sighs before focusing back on his screen as well.

Kissing Jungkook is everything. Taehyung thinks he could spend the rest of his life doing just that; shaping his lips against Jungkook's, tasting his tongue, feeling his soft lips move and whisper and moan and gasp and groan. Just hearing him talk is another pleasure on itself, too. He would lay his head against Jungkook's legs as he told him about his day, jaw set hard when he talked about a teacher giving him shit the other day when he'd walked in late, then relaxing as his eyes crinkled and he laughed, retelling how Yugyeom had almost fallen down the stairs on their way to grab some lunch. Taehyung always listens and smiles and falls in love with Jeon Jungkook all over again.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Jungkook asks now, eyebrow raised as he looks away from his laptop for a moment. The conversation has died down for minutes now and Taehyung is laying comfortably on his boyfriend's legs, head resting on a pillow as he gets some rest after having finished an awful project about how Japanese literature was heavily influenced by its cultural contact with China back in early 1600s. Jungkook is still working on a project of his own about---yeah okay, Taehyung doesn't know about what, doesn't think he'd get it even if he tried. Law is too much for him.

He stares back at his boyfriend, at his full lower lip against his thin top one, at the cute glasses he's wearing that look slightly crooked on his nose and make him look absolutely adorable. He can't help the small smile on his painted lips the moment his heart fills with absolute warmth and love. "I was just---your glasses are so cute. You look cute," he ends up saying before leaning over and kissing him on the cheek, though Jungkook turns the moment his lips brush his cheekbone and captures his mouth in a heated kiss that has him melting against him. Jungkook's magical tongue curls against his and Taehyung cannot help the low moan that leaves his lips at that, hands shaking to hold the younger closer. He wants more, so much more, but then his boyfriend is breaking the kiss and slightly shaking his head for when Taehyung tries to kiss him again. He ignores the hurt in his chest.

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