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Within 3 hrs of drive everyone reached home. Deva and Nandhu were present at the front door to receive them. Tanu stepped out from driving seat and helped Arnav to get out. She hold his hand and looked at his eyes.. slowly he got out. Everyone were surprised to see this.

N: Arnav... what happend?? Are you okay?

He glared at Rudy, who was stealing galnces from him.

C: Dont worry maa... this monkey pushed him down...😁

She gave a small beat to him, without hurting. Everyone laughed and get in to the home.

In a small tea break. Everyone was chit chatting...

N: Tanu... actually outhouse is not yet ready, until then stay at home..

She looked at Arun and Tanvi.

D; No prblm... you are staying here only. And Tanvi your admission is done in Rudy's clg. You both can go together from tommorrow. Then Arun and Tanu,  you  both can join at our  office tommorrow or day after tommorrow.

All of the 3 looked surprised.

N: No need of that look. You are our children itself .

Tanu woke up from her seat and hugged Nandu.

Arnav: Amma... if any balm is here plx give me..

N; okay go and take rest i will give you.

He nodded and went to room. Slowly everyone dispersed to their respecive rooms, leaving Tanu and Nandu alone.

Tanu: I will give the balm to him.

N: okay beta.. there you go... if you can please apply it also...

She smiled and went to his room.

He was laying on the bed.

A: Amma.. please apply it..

T: Remove your shirt.

He looked back as it was not his mother's voice.

A: you..!!!

T: Yes me.. what??

A: mh..ah.. nothing.. give it to me..

T: You cant apply it alone Arnav.

A: I will try..  give..🙄

T: i know you cant, remove your shirt.

A: 😐

T: What??? Afraid of me😏

A: ah...For what...😶 but close your eyes first.

T: 🙄 okay..

She closed her eyes. Meanwhile he removed his shirt and lay on the bed.

T:Can i open now,?

A: Nooo... close and apply.

T:😰 okayyyy

She sat on the bed and opened her eyes😁.  She started to apply the balm and massage. He was totally enjoying the massage. He checked whether she  closed her eyes or not.. she fastly shut the eyes and grinned.
She continued the massaging and then saw a black spot, propably birthmark on his back.

T: hey..whats this mar-😳🤐

A: Hey!!!! You opened your eyes..!!!

He turned back. She stood up and ran out of the room, yelling SORRY!!!😁

Chapter dedicated my dear sis cum frnd Shaznarizvi876

And congrats to my buddies rossmarizz and vasumathi1946 for best results on plus two board exams😘😘😘

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