New Semblance Idea

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Hello, everyone. Sparky is here. I need some ideas for two semblance choices I want to do for my OC. One is called "Devil's Son" & the other one is called "Shield's Yard." Here is the problem: I can't think up how the semblance function/works, which is why I want you to come up with the best idea for these semblance: How they work, their advantage & disadvantage. "Shield's Yard" is based off of WWE own: The Shield: Roman Regins, Dean Ambrose, & Seth Rollins. So, if you can find the idea, you are awesome. Now "Devil's Son" is based of the song Save Yourself by My Darkest days(here is the link: I want you to comment the idea for these two semblance. If you can do that, I will mention you in the POLL to vote Akai's original semblance. Thank you for your time to read this. Until then, this is our yard.

_*RWBY: Blake Belladonna x Self Faunus Vol 1*_Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt