Cellblock Rampage

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"Firing boss aiming for the head aiming for the head!" James cried as The Panther spun around. The jet's machine gun roared, joined by the bursts of other helicopters as they, together, unleashed a barrage on Incisor. The elephant-man staggered forward, bellowing and cursing as bullets tore through his backside. A chunk of his left ear exploded in a bloody display, as he raised both his arms around to protect his head, flaks of skin being torn away under the relentless assault.

But Incisor didn't fall. And as he stomped forward, another swirling portal ripped open before him, bursting out of thin air. The elephant-man disappeared into it, bullets exploding around the portal, before it vanished. The Panther and the choppers ceased fire, the deafening roars of gunfire fading away.

"Shit!" Jason cursed, pumping his hand at the air. Tuatara looked upward, one eye narrowing as his tail flicked back and forth.

"He said he was going to the top of the island," Tuatara said, pointing a single claw up toward the top of the cliffs. "Putting some distance between us. Jacqueline went up there too. And she hasn't returned in sometime. Likely they think they have the advantage up there...which isn't wrong. The high ground is always preferable."

"Yeah, well, I'm surprised that shit-eating elephant can still stand after he got flayed by all those bullets," Laureen said, also looking upward and putting her hands on her hips. She then waved at the flying vehicles. "Ain't gonna give him time to recover though! Yo, flyboys! Get your asses up there! We've got three assholes left! Push on! We can finish this!"

James gave another grin from inside his cockpit and the jet's engines roared as he shot upward toward the top of the island. The squad of helicopters zoomed after him, left in the dust from The Panther's superior speed. Jason watched them go before he turned to Audrey.

His lips trembled as he looked her over, searching for new wounds. But thankfully, mercifully, it looked like she didn't have any. Audrey, however, blinked as her eyes focused on him. She pointed a giant finger at his right shoulder.

"Jason...you're hurt!" She say, stopping down on her knees. Jason glanced at his shoulder. He grimaced. His wound was healing but it was still open, a nasty bite mark on his shoulder where Web had bitten him. The stab wound was scabbing over but it looked red and angry. Both stung, the bite mark more so than the stab. He resisted the urge to scratch them before smiling back at Audrey.

"I'm fine," He said, lowering his arm. "Just some scratches. Nothing I ain't had before."

Audrey smiled at him before rising back to her feet. She nodded and said, quietly, "Right...I know." She looked up then said, more loudly, "Grab a hold of me, everyone. We're going up."

Laureen grunted and limped over, settling herself into the tuck of Audrey's arm. Jason smiled up at her, thinking it...a bit nice she was concerned about him. He wondered if she felt the same, as he pulled Hiroshi onto her other massive arm, helping the teenager grip on. Tuatara jumped onto Audrey's backside, placing his legs onto her shoulders, feet clamping together to secure himself. Audrey took a rasping, deep breathing, her wounded chest inflating before she opened her shell and zoomed upward, carrying the team back toward the prison.

She reached the top in no time. Jason immediately saw a familiar figure clinging to the top of the prison's lighthouse, her single intact optic glowing in the darkness. Jacqueline. Helicopter searchlights illuminated her as she spread her mechanical wings definitely. The Panther dived right at her, spraying gunfire. Jacqueline wrapped herself in her wings, bullets sparking off them before her thrusters roared and she flew at the jet.

The Panther arched sideways, Jacqueline flying past, narrowly missing tearing into it. She spun around in midair and fired a grenade at its engines. The jet immediately deployed several flares, turning the black sky red, and the grenade arced sideways, hitting one of them and exploding in midair.

The Metahuman Agency: The Superhuman WarHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin