"And if she's not back in fifteen minutes you should call for reinforcements." I batted my eyelashes innocently.

I yelped as she hit the back of my head.

Ace snickered as I glared at him and he vanished,

And then there was two.

"So care to tell me why you look like you lost the love of your life."

She then gasped dramatically and people call me dramatic.

"Tell me." She mouths as her face were only inches away from mine.

"Argh. DerekkissedThewrathofawitchandI feellikestabbingherwithmygiantforkandimsomadwithDerekIdontunderstNdwhy." I ranted without a pause.

"Great now tell me in human language with pauses if you can please since I know how hard it is for you to communicate with humans."

I gasped offended by her following statement.

I pouted looking at the other side.

"Stop being a baby and telllll meeee." She dragged

"Derek made lip contact on the witch's cheek and I feel like stabbing her with my giant fork and I'm mad at Derek, but, I don't understand why."

"Regina? Why would he do that? Ewww." She shuddered in disgust.

"Tell me about it and I had the front seat to see the show." My nose wrinkled at the thought.

"Oh, poor thing." She pulled me into a hug.

"Let's make the bad boy speechless at the party and I know just the way to do it. He'll be begging for you!" her eyes twinkled with mischief.

"Why should I do that it's not like I have feelings for him?"

"You do." She urged

"I don't." I denied.

"You do." She nodded her head vigorously.

"I don't!" I exasperatedly told her.

"Then you won't mind if I go for him?"

I choke on air yet again.

"You can't." I quickly answered,

"Why not?" She smirked as she walked in her 6-inch heels.

Seriously woman like I'm having a crisis here and just doing a ramp walk. Though if it was me, I would have landed face first on the ground like a potato.

"Because he has a girlfriend. Regina." I added as she seemed confused.

"So?" She shrugged her shoulder confidence radiating out of her.

"We all know she's just a booty call." She stated just as easily as if she had said Trump sucked.

"Wow, Jennifer you are on fire girl! "I grinned wildly.

Proving Her WrongWhere stories live. Discover now