"Can I stay home?" I moaned.

"Girl, get up. Your father will not allow a repeat of last year. You have 10 minutes to get up and get ready. Gonna have to stop and get breakfast." Sally said picking up the things I had on the floor as I went to the bathroom and did what I suppose to. I could hear her complain about the way I kept my room. I can function in my disorganized living/sleeping area. Not like anybody is in here all the time anyway. Only people that come over is Masey and Cherry.

"FIVE MINUTES." I heard Sally yell up the stairs. My hair is just gonna be wild today.

I got dressed in two minutes and beat Bill to the door. I didn't even let him open the door this time.

When lunch came around I sat at the same table and the same conversation that went on between Masey and Cherry happened. Then I felt him. The staring made me want a shell to hide in. Hide in until I graduate. People already stare at me enough because they can't leave for lunch this year like that is all my fault. My thoughts were rudely interrupted by him tapping on my shoulder.

"What?" I said annoyed that he has this period. Cherry shook her head at me. "Hi." I went back to playing on my phone when he didn't leave our table. The table shifted and a couple of people sat down. I looked up and seen three boys sitting with us. Two of them I know.

Ray Ray

"Well your on your phone enough why you never text me back?" I asked her because she never did.

She glanced up at me making a two second eye contact with me. Its like she has a problem looking in my eyes. "I didn't respond because I don't know you. Only reason you have my number is for class."

Well damn. "Ms.Ida said get to know your partner." I said looking dead at her while her friends and mine watched us. "Look at me." She slammed her phone done and looked me in my eyes. "We gotta work together whether you like it or not. So I suggest you stop this stuck up prissy attitude that you have when you with me. Got it?" It may sound harsh but she annoying with that shit.

"How bout this? Do not talk to me like you know me because you don't. I could care less if I gotta work with you or not. My attitude will stay this way if I want it to. So get hell outta my face." she retorted to me. She got up and told the girls bye.

They were all in shock. I wasn't though. This shit is stupid. "What the hell is her problem?" I asked glaring at her as she walked out of the senior lounge.

"Damn dawg. You aint even seen her mad. She'll be straight once yall get to Ms.Ida class." Masey said nonchalantly. The girl next to her started laughing.

"Yeah. Sure. I'll go check on her." she got her things together to leave and Prince grabbed her hand. "Excuse me but uh you forgot to give me your number so we can get to know each other." he said. She smiled and gave him her number and rushed off to find Nicki.

"Masey can you get your friend?" I asked her.

She cocked her head to the side. "Do I look like her mother?"

"No. But..."

"No so therefore you gotta check her attitude not me. Aint no captain save a hoe facility. She probably mad about her father not coming back until her birthday." Masey said messing in Roc's hair. Then she realized she said too much and mumbled under her breath. "Shit. Can yall act like yall aint hear that last part?"

"No not really. I'll see yall later." I said getting up to leave. Then somebody pushed me back down. "Uh who are you?" I asked looking at this light skin girl with honey cone brown hair.

"Qweeny. I suggest you stop talking to that slut."  she said.

"What did you just call my homie, bitch?" Masey said jump up and coming to where we were. "Do you want ya ass beat again, hoe?"

"That's dead. You never can beat me. So you better get out of my face. Do you want what happened last year to happen again? Hoe." Qweeny folded her arms across her chest.

"I swear if I could murk ya dumb ass I would." Masey said.

"But you can't. Ray Ray if you know what's good stay away from," she paused and looked at Masey, "the slut."

"Bitch." With that Qweeny walked off and winked at Prince. I could tell it made him uncomfortable. "Can I leave now or somebody else is coming to warn me about Nicki?" I asked getting back up. Masey told me fuck you and I made it clear that that was Roc's job.

During dance class Nicki never looked my way as Ms.Ida explained to us that for the first quarter we would be in the 1920's era. Which means the Charleston and flappers and all of that. Not my cup of tea but I need to pass this. Qweeny would every now again would glanced at me and Nicki. Ms.Ida showed us some moves and left us to make up some choreography.

"Is you talkin' to me?" I nudge her.

"Why are you touching me?" she asked once again annoyed.

I smirked. "Better get use to it."

"Whatever. From what I seen you are going have to take another class to get this right." she said taking her phone from out of her sports bra.

"You gonna teach me?" I asked. I seriously needed help with this type of dance. Me and old time music is a bad combination. She looked me up and down and laughed. "The hell is so funny. First time you cracked a smile around me."

"Bruh, you not meeting up with me outside of this class. Sorry." She laughed. The bell rung and she never made her way to the locker room. She left the building in a sports bra and sweatpants.

I went home to Tay Tay screaming and crying. He was always crying for some reason. But this time he has a reason to cry. Its only been two months but it still hurts. I picked Tay Tay up and paid the babysitter. I walked into what was for now his room and laid him down. I sat with him until he calmed down but I know in the middle of the night he will wake from his nightmares. Which is a good thing because I get them too. I comfort him, comforts me. But lately my mind travels to Nicki.

Nicki Wen, stuck up to the fullest. She has more money than anyone in the school. She talks when talk to. She knows when Im looking at her. And she got the body. Thin waist pretty face with the light brown eyes. Chocolate skin like hershey. Jet black hair that goes past her shoulders. Lips to the fullest. Why is she even on my mind? Two very different people will never work.

She rich and Im down in a ditch, almost.

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