Shrugging and my brain confused with this new conundrum, I popped the seal and drank the water. My throat felt dry, like a desert. I didn't realize how thirsty I was till I took the first gulp. Yep it was water. I guzzled down the entire bottle, not taking it away from my lips til it crumpled slightly in my hands, from the water and air being sucked out of it. Laying the now empty bottle on the ground I exhaled loudly, pleased to have one problem already solved. The fog of sleep that had lingered already rapidly fading, now that I was hydrated. Taking a few more meditative deep breathes to help clear my head more, and I was feeling ten times better. Still staying seated on the ground I did a few stretches to wake my muscles up. No one seemed to be around, so I didn't see any point in hurrying. Especially, if I was able to sleep in here through the night. It was employees fault anyway that they left a pedestrian locked in a Boi Dome Museum. I just needed to wait for someone to find me.

As soon as I was in mi stretch, rustling sounded on the bushes behind me. I paused, listening to the sound and rereading the sign. This was suppose to be a Bio Dome for with an environment for butterflies. I moved my eyes back to the light that reflected from the glass roof above. Too early for this place to be open, if I was remembering the schedule my friend Amy made me memorize the day before her date. What if they had put more animals in this dome besides butterflies? The thought did not sit well with me. I mean animals were okay and everything, but if it was the size of a dog, then I was not okay with that. 'And here I go scarring myself! Great job Adam! Way to stay cool, calm, collected.'I reprimanded myself. Reminding myself of techniques I learned when I was small about how to keep safe when around animals. Maybe it was just a rabbit. Rabbits would just make this place more appealing to the female community around here and popular for people who wish to be romantic and such crap.

Getting to my feet in one quick movement, I felt my heartbeat quicken slightly. I was a curious person and so I already knew that my next move was to the bushes where the sound I came from. The fear of the unknown was a feeling that made my mind swirl with 'what if's?', and 'maybe its?' Causing the need to find out pulsing deep under my skin. I turned toward the bushes and let my eyes search for the sound first, narrowing them when I could see nothing. 'Was it an animal? Maybe it was someone who worked here after all?' I clenched my fists and then loosened them at the thought. I was aware that it was stupid of me to be like this, but I just couldn't help feel like there were daggers at my back. Something was telling me deep inside that something about this was not right. 

I felt like for some reason I was being watched. But then a place like this did have camera's. 'That would mean that someone should have see that I was still here during the night though.' Great! Now I begin to think like a smart person. I felt myself jump slightly at the audio to make wildlife sound of bird and the such, turned on. Must be time for employees to start showing up, unless the system was on a timer. 'Was I being watched?' Man I was going to be pissed if this was all some elaborate prank created by my friends. 

The audio sound of birds chirping wildly, was cutting through the long silence. It was getting on my nerves, and just standing here waiting to see if the rustling sound would occur again, just made me realize how humid this place was. Perfect temperature for the butterflies I guess. Tired of waiting I decided that if it was my friends, I was going to throttle them, and if it was an employee....I may still cause a bit of a scene. After all it was their fault a pedestrian got locked in here in the first place. "Hey!" I called out, deciding that if it was an employee, it was better ot be heard so I can get out of here and go home. "I hear you over there." I shouted. 

The bushed rustled again in reply. This time I saw where the movement was coming from. Since no one had voice a reply and instead was sneaking around, I immediately knew this was a prank orchestrated by my friends. 'The douches.' I sprinted for the bushes, that had stopped rustling, throwing a bottle ahead of me for good measure. I was going to tackle whichever douche of a friend was back there and give them a good throttling. If I was wrong ans it was some kind of animal then it would flee. If it was one of my friends, then God held them through my wrath. If it was an employee, then well oops. But I just felt stupid standing around and doing nothing. I was a man of action. When the bottle disappeared in the leaf bushed and nothing happened, not even a sound. I paused in my advance. What was going on. There should have been a sound of impact, or startle with the bottle fly through the bush. I took the last two steps up to the bushes, My hands up in a defensive position, like I had learned at the boxing gym. I was not a happy person when someone tries to scare me. My fight instinct were my first go to. I leaned over th bushes to see nothing. I blinked and dropped my arms. Nothing? But I was sure these were the bushes that had rustled.

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