16. Up

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18th November 2014

My eyes started to fade from white to shapes. It looked like a hospital room.

"Lauren?" A familiar voice asked, I turned my head to the right and saw Luke sitting there with a smile on his face,


"Oh thank God, you remember me baby," He said leaning over and kissing me delicately,


"That's my nickname for you," Luke said holding my hand and rubbing circles on it,

"I'm so confused,"

"I'll get a Doctor," Luke said looking worried as he ran out of the room. I pressed my hand to my head and sighed,

"Ow," I muttered, I pulled myself up slowly and looked around the Hospital room, it was full of cards, bears, flowers and balloons.

"Hello Lauren," The doctor smiled as he walked in with Luke, still looking worried, behind him,


"Do you know what day it is?"

"Erm," I said starting to think,

"It's 18th November 2014," The doctor said after I shook my head,

"Did you dream?"

"Yeah I think so,"

"Can you explain it to me?"

"Yeah sure," I said. I started to Luke and the Doctor my dream and they both nodded their head,

"That happened Lauren,"

"What happened after the crash?" I asked,

"You didn't crash Lauren," The doctor answered,

"But in my dream I did,"

"That's what woke you up," He explained,

"Jason?" I asked Luke,

"You forgave him and your dad, but no-one has saw your mum since,"

"Oh," I said confused,


"Aimee," Luke said, I nodded my head,

"I should have known that was coming," I laughed,

"Georgia and Ashton?"

"Still together," 

"Megan and Shannon?"

"Megan and Calum. Shannon and Trent,"



"You'll remember him when you see him Lauren, your dream is just still fresh in your mind everything will come back," The doctor said, I nodded my head and smiled at him,

"How's the band?" I asked Luke,

"We toured with One Direction twice and now we're going on our own soon," He answered,

"You guys made it, of course you did," I said laughing,

"All thanks to you," Luke said stroking my hand.

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