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21st August 2021

"Lauren are you ready?" Aimee asked,

"Yeah are you sure you're okay? Do you want to sit down?" I asked her,

"No I'll be fine, NEIL STOP THAT!" Aimee shouted at her 3 year old son. We are both 24, her and Michael got married last year but had Neil 3 years ago, they have another on the way.

"Aimee you're 6 months pregnant,"

"And you're getting married,"

"Lauren we're ready," Ashton said poking his head around the door,

"You look lovely," He smiled,

"You think?"

"I do. Are you ready?" Ashton asked,


"Okay bridesmaids let's go," He said looping Georgia's arm. Calum looped Megan's, Luke's friend James looped Shannon's,

"Can I speak to Lauren quickly?" Michael asked, Aimee nodded her head and waited outside,

"So bestie," I said,

"I can't believe you're getting married," He said,

"I said that to you on your wedding day,"

"You did, I know you wish Jason was here but just remember he's always there," He said pointing to my heart,

"Remember when I said I was an only child by fault?" I asked,


"I don't feel like that anymore," 

"Good, now come on let's get you married," He said, we left the room and he looped his arm with his wife's and smiled. We may have dated and confused our feelings but I'm glad we did otherwise we wouldn't be here right now.

"Let's do this," My dad said. The doors opened and everyone stood up. The room was white and pure, Luke smiled at the end of the aisle and watched as I walked up to meet him.

"You look beautiful," He said,

"You don't look too bad yourself," I said. We smiled and exchanged our vows.

"It's official, you're stuck with me," He said,

"I can't think of anyone else,"

"Not even me?" Michael asked,

"Not even you," I joked. 


31st March 2022

"Luke I swear! Stop laughing at the size of my stomach," I said as we painted the baby's room,

"But it's so big,"

"It's not that big," I said looking down,

"It's beautifully big, my little man is in there," 

"Not long left now," I told him,

"4 months," He said smiling. My phone that was on shuffle played the song we danced to at our wedding, Everything by Michael Buble,

"Come on let's dance," Luke said,

"I don't think I'll be able to dance for long," I said laughing but accepting his hand anyway,

"I love you and I love our baby," He said,

"Promise me something,"


"It won't be an only child,"

"I, Luke Hemmings, promise that this baby will not be an only child, ever," He said. 

"You're every line, you're every word, you're everything," I sang.

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