Sloppy kisses

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Gerard's POV:

Throughout the night, I heard giggling up in Killjoy's bedroom. I was curious of what was going on, but I didn't want to be one of those parents that are constantly up in their children's business. I want her to have privacy and let her make her own choices, over all, let her live her life. And the others think so, too. Sure, we know that we're not her birth parents and don't know her past, and she could be selling drugs and shit, but every kid deserves a least some privacy.

I got up from my bed and went to go into the kitchen to make some breakfast for Killjoy and Melanie, but got pinned onto the bed by Frank. He attacked my neck with kisses, but I quickly pushed him off.

"Frankie, Killjoy and Melanie are just upstairs, not now," I whisper, pushing on his chest to get him off me. He gave puppy dog eyes and pouted his bottom lip. Those damn puppy eyes, man. I kissed his lips quickly before sitting up, grabbing onto both of his hands. "Later, I promise. I'll have the girls go out for a few hours, then we can do it, okay?" Frank held out his pinkie finger and narrowed his eyes at me,furrowing his eyebrows together. I crossed my pinkie with his before he shot up and ran out of my bedroom, almost tripping on a sock. I tucked my hair behind my ear and went into the kitchen to make some breakfast. I stood in the kitchen for a minute before deciding against that and just buying some from McDonald's and getting some coffee from Star Bucks instead.

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