Never leave Mikey alone with your daughter.

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Shannon's POV:

"Bye, Killjoy. We'll see you in a few hours," Gerard tells me, kissing the top of my head. Ray and Frank hugs me one last time before climbing into the van. "You're in charge, Mikey. Don't set anything on fire."

"Pfft, when have I ever set anything on fire?" Mikey asked. Gerard crossed his arms over his chest and cocks an eyebrow.

"Remember my twenty fifth birthday?"

"Oh yeah...WELP! NOTHING WILL GO WRONG. GOODBYE NOW!" Mikey waved his hand in the air, pushing Gerard out of the door and closing it.

"What did you do on Gerard's twenty fifth birthday?"

"I may or may not have set his cake on fire by putting on way too many candles together and lighting them up all at once. Never do that."

"Noted," I nodded. "I'm gonna take a nap on the sofa, wake me up if anything happens." He nods before disappearing into the kitchen.

Five minutes later, I get woken up by Mikey shaking my shoulders.

"Killjoy, wake up!" Mikey whispers, shaking my shoulders. I groan and rub my eyes.

"What?" I ask.

"The stove's on fire." Mikey says, rather calmly.

"WHAT?" I scream. I jump off the couch and run into the kitchen. I scream when I see that the stove is in flames. "HOLY FUCK." I run around the kitchen , trying to find something that will get rid of the fire.

"HOLY MOTHER OF GOD, THAT WAS A REALLY FUCKING BAD IDEA. OH MY FUCKING GOD!" I heard Mikey shriek. I turn around and see Mikey holding a brook that was caught on fire.

"MIKEY, WHAT THE FUCK!?" I scream over the fire alarm. I run around the kitchen and find the fire extinguisher. I push Mikey out of the way of the flames and spray the stove like a mad man. Once the fire went out, I slid down he wall and hugged my knees close to my chest.

"Oh my god, Killjoy," Mikey whispers, sitting in front of me. He  pulls me into a hug and lets me sob into his chest. I wrapped my arms around his chest and he wrapped his arms wound my waist, rubbing my back to calm me down. "I didn't mean to scare you, I'm so fucking sorry." Mikey pulled me even closer and rubbed my back. Mikey stood up and cradled me in his lap to calm me down. I found myself getting really sleepy and ended up calling asleep in Mikey's lap.

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