I don't know what to name this chapter.

817 29 21

Tyler's POV:

"Call me."

As soon as the door closed, I looked down at my arm and smiled. I began to walk down the steps and went home.

"Why are you home so early?" Mom asked.

"Our school got set on fire," I said. Mom gasped. I chuckled. "I'll be in my room if you need me." I skipped up the steps and tossed my bag beside the door and flung myself onto my bed. I took out my phone from my pocket and created a new contact.

Hey Shannon,
it's Tyler. :)

I hit send and waited a few minutes for a respond.

Oh shit!
I forgot to give
you your hoodie
and beanie back!!

Ha  ha, it's fine.
Don't worry about it.
You can return it tomorrow.

Are you sure? I
can give it back right now?

Yeah, I'm sure.

Okay!! Anyways,
what's up?

Nothing, I was just
chilling. You?

Same, my dad
was blowing up
asking me why I was
home so early. So, I told him about how the
school got set on fire.

He didn't believe me
then I said,
"If you don't believe me, then why am I soaking wet??"

He said, "True."

Ha ha, my mom
said the same thing.
Anyway, I should probably change
out of my wet clothes
and into something dry.
I'll be right back.

Yeah, I prolly should too.

I shut off my phone and changed into sweat pants and a dry shirt. I dried off my hair and messaged Shannon.

Hey, Shannon. I'm back.

I didn't get a reply. I waited 5 minutes and stared at my screen but I didn't get anything. I grabbed my guitar and decided to play around with it.

Shannon's POV:

"I'm going to take a shower!" I announced. I grabbed some pyjamas, a towel, a robe and headed into the shower. I stood under the warm shower. The second the warm water hit, the reminded me of Tyler's hug. Even though we both were soaking wet, his body heat was like a warm blanket against my skin.

"I just noticed, the lines in your eyebrows. How did you get that?"

I smiled at the amazement he was in when he saw my eyebrows. I ran my finger over the save eyebrow. I shaved both my legs and armpits and dried off. I slipped on my clothes and towel dried my hair.

I walked down the steps and saw a curly fro sitting on the sofa. I dived onto the sofa and put my legs on Ray's lap.

"Dude, feel my legs." I said. He furrowed his eyebrows and ran his fingers over my legs.

"Holy shit, so smooth." He said.

"Why are you feeling Shannon's legs?" Gerard asked when he entered the living room.

"Her legs are so smooth." Ray said. Gerard walked over to me and ran his finger over my bare legs. His face filled with amaze.

"MIKEY, FRANK. YOU GUYS GOTTA FEEL SHANNON'S LEGS!" Gerard shouted. The both walked into the living room and felt my legs.


After dinner, I walked up to my room and thew myself onto myself onto my bed. I unlocked my phone and noticed that Tyler had left a message.

Oh sorry. I got
caught up with
something. I'm

It's fine lmao. What's
up? ....again

Nothing. My dads
felt my legs for a good
30 minutes.

Why? Lmao

I shaved my legs.
Anyways, I'm really
sleepy. I'll see you tomorrow. Byeee

Bye lol

I shut off my phone and set it
on the night stand then turned off my lights and dived under my blankets.


I opened my closet and stood there thinking about what I wanted to wear. A few minutes passed and Frank walked in.

"Frank, help me decide for an outfit." I said. Frank walked to my closet and pulled out a pair of ripped black skinny jeans, a plain black tank top and a red and black droopy flannel.

"Try this on," Frank said handing it over to me.

I stepped out of the bathroom and did a little twirl for Frank. He furrowed his eyebrows and tapped his finger on his chin.

"Try tying it around your waist." I took it off and tied it around my waist and the second I did, Frank clapped his hands excitedly. I laughed. I went into the bathroom and did my makeup as usual and picked up my book followed by Tyler's jacket and beanie that was neatly folded that was on my dresser and went to eat breakfast.

"Who's' that?" Mikey asked gesturing at the jacket and beanie.

"Oh, it's Tyler's. He let me wear it when we all got soaking wet from the sprinkler," I said.

"Hagen?" I nodded.

"I forgot to give it back yesterday so I'm giving it to him today."

"Why did you even have Tyler's jacket anyways?" Mikey asked. I explained to him how the school got set on fire and I got wet by the sprinkler.

"Oooh...Shannon..." Mikey began. I sighed and rolled my eyes. He nudged my arm.

"What?" I asked. 

"Oh nothing...we should probably get you to school

"But I didn't even eat anything?"

"Here's an apple. Let's go," Mikey lightly pushed me out the door and sat me in the car. "SOMEONE DIVE SHANNON TO SCHOOL, I DON'T WANNA." Mikey shouted. Soon, Gerard came out wearing pyjamas and sat down. He drove me to school and quickly rushed me out of the car before he got recognized.

Hey, Shannon.
I'm gonna be a little
late. Wait for me in
front of our lockers.

I shut my phone off and stood in front of our lockers as he said and waited for they man to show up.

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