Home schooling?

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Mikey's POV:

"What made Killjoy so angry," Gerard asked, drying off his hair with a towel. I pat down the spot next to me and gesture him to sit down next to me. "What's up?"

"I'm thinking about making Killjoy home schooled," I tell him. He furrowed his eyebrows together.

"What's up? Are we having a family meeting again?" Ray asked, sitting down next to Gerard. I shook my head.

"Go call Frank," I tell him, he nods and disappears around the corner to get Frank. When they got here, they sat down and I started talking.

"I want Killjoy to be home schooled," I started again. Bob groans. Gerard shot him a glare.

"Why do you want her home schooled? What's wrong, is she getting bullied? Something wrong? When I get my hands on the fucker, I'm gonna-"

"Nothing's wrong with her at school," I cut off Gerard before he got to finish his sentence.

"Then why do you want her home schooled?" Gerard asked.

"Do you seriously want her to go though what we dd in high school? Getting picked on, getting beat up by a bunch of dicks?" I asked. "I want the best for her. Plus, she wants to be home schooled, she told me. School doesn't even teach actual useful shit, anyways. Why make her go through this shit the you'll never use in the real life? I think it's better for her to be safe and learn here than have her put into risks of getting hurt and possibly raped by older guys."

"You have a point, Mikey," Frank said. "I think it'd be best for Shannon to be safe. Plus, we don't have to worry about her getting bullied and being too scared to tell us." Everyone nodded in agreement. Now all we had to do was approve the decision by Shannon and tell the principle of her school that she'll be homeschooled if she approves. 

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