Part 11

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It was the little things he noticed that made him notice a change in his class. Things had been tense for Class 1-A, but Aizawa-sensei noticed that the atmosphere shifted recently. He really started taking notice the day he rounded a stairwell and found Mineta standing in a corridor with Midoriya.
He thought it a weird combination or some kind of perverse prank that Mineta was pulling. He contemplated intervening when he heard the conversation:
"Okay, Midoriya, you're the only guy I would ever do this for. You're my friend, so that makes you special, you know?" Mineta said.
He watched as Midoriya only looked ahead, letting out a bright smile. He took Mineta's hand and proceeded to walk away from bathroom they were visiting. He followed the two around, slightly perplexed until he realized that Mineta was acting as guide for Midoriya.
After that incident, Aizawa started paying more attention to his class. Yaomomo created a tape recorder for Midoriya to record lectures in class for studying later. Iida would work with her to create notes for Midoriya to study with. Tsuyu would guide Midoriya to the cafeteria and grab his tray for him. Todoroki was always by his side along with Uraraka. The two of them made sure the hallways were clear for Midoriya to walk without obstacles. Then there was Aoyama, Tokoyami, and Kirishima who treated Midoriya exactly the same as before. Midoriya definitely needed that sense of normalcy right now.
The class was going above and beyond, but he wondered how Midorya managed to keep his number four spot even though he didn't know how to read Braille yet. Then he did a random dorm check. He was shocked at what he found:
Bakugo, the sworn rival and number one Midoriya hater was helping him study. It was only one time that he saw the scene and has yet to see it again, but the two boys were sitting at the dining table, papers, textbooks, and oddly enough, cinnamon rolls were splayed across the table. The rest of the class was doing training and various other activities, so it was just the two at the dorm.
"Izuku, you're handwriting has always been shit, but now it's fucking terrible." Bakugo looked to be restraining laughter.
"Kacchan, that's not even fair! I can't see the paper to even write! Just call everything out to me, and I'll just say the answers!"
Bakugo had a dark look cross his face for a moment. He opened his mouth to speak then closed it. Then he clicked his tongue and looked away from the table.
"Kacchan, what's the matter? You're being quiet and I don't hear the pen moving anymore. What are you thinking about?" Midorya went to lift his hand, but hesitated. He could feel as the mood shifted between the two of them. He swallowed, tasting the sweet cinnamon flavor of the sticky buns he had just eaten. He reached out his hand and tried to feel Kaachan's face.
Bakugo noticed the fidgeting Izuku was doing when the hand reached out for him. He could do one of two things in that moment: allow Deku to touch him and know his feelings or he could leave and end whatever was happening right now. He cared deeply for his childhood friend and rival, but he couldn't let go of the rage he felt every day because of what happened.
Bakugo went with option three--he pushed Midoriya's hand away and said, "I was just worried about you figuring out math if you can't exactly write anymore. That's all."
He saw as Deku's face flashed a look of hurt, but changed into a sad smile.
"Yea, I'm still trying to figure that one out, too, Kacchan. I think I'm gonna head up to my room for the day. Thank you for helping me study today! I'd definitely appreciate your help in the future until we figure out this eye thing."
"Whatever shitty Deku. This was a one-time thing." Kaachan said attempting to act unphased.

Aizawa watched as Midoriya walked back to the elevator and go back to his room. He bumped into the couch on his way to the elevator and Aizawa sighed. He knew none of this was fair to Midorya. He had a plan that no one would like as he left the dorms, a dark resolution brewing in his mind. There was creature in this world that could take quirks away but also bestow quirks upon others. He had to get everyone on board, though, including All Might, which wouldn't be easy.
He had to see All for One.

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