Part 5

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"So what do you think of my babies!?" Hatsume said, admiring her work.
"This is amazing Hatsume! You've really outdone yourself this time." Midoriya said pondering his new upgrades.
Hatsume Mei took a minimalist approach to Midoriya's new found disability. She knew he already had great instincts as well as years of tactical and strategic knowledge due his hero journaling. She wanted him to still feel normal while also giving him an advantage to his new situation.
"I'm gonna explain everything to you one more time just so you get it, okay?" Midoriya nodded.
"All right, so, I created an ear piece that has a few different functions. Echolocation, enhanced hearing and speaker system, and real time translation. The echolocation sends electrical impulses directly to your brain, allowing you to more or less see a figure. It's more like you're aware of your surroundings and things that are move around you. The enhanced hearing and speaker system allows you to hear voices and sounds in a 10 meter radius as well as translating said voices and sounds in real time."
"So the sonar," Deku said fiddling with his new ear piece, "is like there's a large puddle on the ground and I can tell how many people are splashing around the puddle. Right?" Deku said hopefully. Mei just stared at Midoriya.
"Sure. Yea. Let's go with that. My baby is a little more sophisticated, but okay." Midoriya grinned.
"And this," Hatsume said grabbing Midoriya's right arm and placing a rather long and weighted object his his hand, "is a bo staff. This staff has been enhanced for you. It's lightweight, portable, and comes apart for storage or combat. It's titanium for durability and reinforced with platinum to give it an edge up in combat. And! The best part of it all!--"
Hatsume took back the staff, moved Midoriya about two steps back, and slammed the bo staff on the ground of her workshop.
Midoriya jumped at the suddenness then flinched when he felt a ping. It was like he could see, but everything was dark and grainy. An almost grayish tint.
"What's going on??"
"This staff, when slammed against a surface, sends a signal to your ear piece that allows to you basically map out your surroundings!" Hatsume yelled and twirled in the midst of her excitement. She turned back to her friend, only to see him breaking out the waterworks.
"Midoriya, stop! Stop! You'll ruin my babies! They're not all waterproofed yet!" She grabbed the green haired boy by his shoulders and shook him hard. Midoriya sucked up snot and let out an ugly-cry grin.
"Thank you so much, Hatsume! This is incredible. You're truly amazing!"
She grinned. Hatsume handed Midoriya the staff, gave him a few more tips and pointers, then sent him on his way. A bulletin was posted for Midoriya who was declared missing.
"It also doubles as a walking stick, but make sure you're careful with it! Don't overexert yourself. This tech could explode your brain or something." Hatsume called out to Midoriya right as she closed the door to her workshop.
Midoriya paused, his jaw dropping. Stay cool, stay cool. She's just joking.

What is this nerd doing? Shinsou stopped in the middle of the hallway, staring at Midoriya who appeared lost. What is he doing on this side of school?
"What are doing on this side of school?" Shinsou called out. He noticed Midoriya look his way, but the heroics student was staring at the wall next to him.
"Uhmm, well, I'm just trying to gather my bearings! May I ask who's speaking? I'm having a little trouble at the moment."
Is he messing with me?
"Are you messing with me, Midoriya Izuku?"
"Uhmm, no," Midoriya let out a nervous laugh. He was walking towards Shinsou. "You sound so familiar, though. I know you." Midoriya was a few feet away now, staring now to the left of Shinsou instead of the wall to his right.
Shinsou got a good look at Midoriya and realized that he wasn't normal.
"Tell me what's wrong with you." Shinsou declared, activating his quirk.
"I'm blind now after having a fight with a bank robber. I went to see Hatsume Mei in the Support Class for some equipment to help stabilize me and now I'm a little lost. I'm supposed to be at the infirmary, but I got turned around since I'm not in this part of the school often.--"
"That's enough." Shinsou said, walking up to Midoriya and flicking him on the forehead.
"Hey Midoriya, it's me, Shinsou.--"
"--I knew it!"
Shinsou stared. "Riiight. Anyway, I'll take you to the infirmary. Make sure you get a feel for the turns in case you have to do this again." Shinsou turned away from Midoriya, pulling a hand from his pocket and holding it behind him for the boy to grab onto.
"Let's go."
"I have a feeling you're doing something super heroic and cool, but I can't appreciate it right now! I'm so sorry!" Midoriya said as he tried to run away, but instead ran straight into a wall. Shinsou's eyes bulged while he tried to suppress laughter. He reached out and grabbed Midoriya's hand.
"Come on, you dork. I'm sure people are looking for you."

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