t w e n t y - o n e

Start from the beginning

I smirk slightly and sprint away towards the doorway on the side of the large open room, while gripping Ragnell with my left hand. Maybe I can use you as well.

As I run through the short hallway, purple mist transforms the wall next to me as I run. The demon is trying to catch me. But he is only toying with me of course. I find the next room to be the bottom of a type of tower structure with more stairs. Without second thoughts, I take the staircase up, and it connected to a hallway with knights coming at me from either side. One of them swing their lance down near me and I swipe my right hand up between me and their lance with my magic encompassing it. I force my emotion through my arm and their lance clanks against my magic shield I just tossed there. My shield shows no sign of giving as they attempt to attack the shield once again.

I smirk once more, enjoying the creative ways I too can toy with my enemies, buying time for myself as I spin around to another lance coming my way. I swiftly use Ragnell as a wide shield and I block the lance from reaching me. I push the lance down so it's pointing to the ground and use that as leverage as I push myself over the armored knight, grasping Ragnell with both of my hands to do so.

I flip around and land on the floor behind the knight as they spin around trying to follow my movements. My smirk appears on my lips once again as I spin around as well to continue running down the hall towards the main part of the Castle where Ma's room is.

I'm glad these knights are slower than me.

I turn the corner and her room is right there. I run through the doorway causing a large gust of wind to swirl around the room mixing in with the dull air that was already there. Smells from the battlefield outside has filled the Castle walls now and Ma's bedroom reeks of death like it was right in the center of everything. I force myself not to look outside as my gaze finds Ma right on the bed right where I left her this morning. It feels like it has been ages since I was last in this room.

Ma looks as though she is getting weaker and weaker as time goes on. Has that thing been absorbing her energy this entire time? Is that how he has gotten to fast and powerful? He has been planning this from the very start and the beginning of today was the day that everything turned upside down. Everything was lost before the war even started.

Including me.

I look behind me, expecting to see nothing but enemy knights.

But nothing is there.

The room is empty, calm and silent. Buy why? Wasn't he just chasing me? Where is he? Seeing nothing at all behind me forces shivers down my spine and the room feels as though it has just dropped 10 degrees. After listening carefully for a few moments, I faintly hear footsteps slowly approaching the room door. My breath catches in my throat and my body tenses up as the footsteps get louder and closer. My heart slams against my chest, harder and faster.

Purple mist slowly covers the walls, floors and ceiling, slowly making its way to Ma's room. What is happening? What is he doing? He's going to make this as slow and painful as possible. I just know it. There is nowhere for me to run to. And he's almost here.

As the purple mist reaches the door, a dark figure reaches the door as well. The purple mist has caused the Castle to become dark inside, surrounded with dark purple energy blocking out any light from getting through. The dark figure morphs into the red slit eyes even brighter than the last time I saw them as the rest of the figure slowly enters view, as the purple mist gives off a faint glow.

Somehow. If dark energy could give off any form of light.

When the face of the corrupted Vladimir reaches view, the red eyes dim, and his facial expression becomes clear to me. He looks down at me with disappointment in his eye, "Aw, that ended quickly,"

TDMG: Two Brothers Through the Mirror ⭐ | COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now