In My Eyes- Chapter Six

Start from the beginning

“How are you two so fast?” my mate whined and latched herself onto my arm. I shrugged and allowed Emilee to answer.

“Genetics.” Wow, she answered right for me as well. Dana shrugged and leaned her head on my shoulder, obviously accepting her friend’s explanation.

The coach began describing what to when going on the obstacle course. “You have to go over the wall using the rope as a way up, under the net, across the beam, through the mud pit and finish with a two hundred metre sprint. Anyone whose time is over five minutes will immediately fail Gym since this is worth 60% of your grade.

Dana froze next to me, her breaths coming out in small puffs. “Does anyone want to go first?”

No one answered- of course not. Who would want to go first doing a course like that?

“Okay then, Miss Robinson- why don't you demonstrate for us?”

My little blonde mate froze, and I could smell the bile rising up her throat before it erupted out of her mouth. The acidic smell floated through the air and I cringed away from her, thankful that none got on her shirt. If there was some on her shirt I’d die because I’d be smelling it all day.

Dana turned to Emilee, her face pale.

“Come on, Robinson, I don’t have all day!” the coach called before gesturing to the course impatiently. “Hurry up!”

I kissed her cheek as she walked towards the beginning, her whole frame shaking. A boy that was ‘injured’ shouted go and Dana carefully walked towards the first obstacle- the wall.

She grabbed onto the rope and pulled herself up to around halfway. A startled squeal escaped her and she fumbled before falling to the ground. I winced at the soft crunch.

“Ouch,” Dana muttered under her breath.

“COME ON DANA, WOOO!” Emilee cried, her hands waving in the air. I rolled my eyes at her as she jumped up and down like the crazy person she was.

My mate seemed to be spurred on by this, and took hold of the rope again. She managed to clamber up three quarters of the way before making a mad grab for the top, only to fall to the ground again. The smell of burning flesh filled the air and I knew at one that she had grazed her hands against the rope. If I was closer I’d probably be able to see the angry red skin.

Another cheer erupted from Emilee and her flower friend joined in. The continued bouncing like… was it Mexican beans? Human metaphors are so impractical and confusing.

“OH MY GOD SHE ACTUALLY MADE IT OVER!” I looked away from them to see Dana clumsily slide down the other side of the wall.

“Miss Parker, since you are so eager to cheer Robinson on, you're next on the obstacle course,” the coach cried with a sadistic laugh. The flower chick began to freak out and I turned back to the course, not really caring about her. Dana was nearing the second obstacle- the net.

Even at the start I knew she was going to get caught because she went by it the wrong was at the start. Instead of army crawling underneath, she went on her back and tried to slide through the mud like a deranged penguin. I sighed loudly and looked away, too scared to watch.

It wasn’t long until she was shrieking loudly. “HELP! I CAN’T MOVE!”

I looked over at the couch and made to move forward but he shook his head.

“Sorry, Robinson, but if someone has to come and help you you'll automatically fail. You have three seconds to finish the course."

My mate let out a loud groan and paused in her thrashing. She started crying loudly.

In My Eyes (Watty Awards 2012)Where stories live. Discover now