"Okay, look. Barrow was there. All right? You heard it. Lydia heard it and felt it." He walked over to her, crouching so he was eye level with her. "Okay? And look, if you wanted to, I'd go back to that school right now and search all night just to prove it." He rambled before stopping himself, furrowing his brows as he opened the green marker in his hand. The smell from the permanent marker was strong and he suddenly got an idea, recalling the small comment that Emily had made about the smell of chemicals. He stood up. "Get up. Get up now. We're going to the school."


The couple were back at the school, "So what are we looking for exactly?" She asked him as they stepped into the chemistry room where he led her to the chemistry storage room. He opened it and she blinked in surprise. "I'm pretty sure that's supposed to be locked."

"Yeah. I know." Stiles muttered, finding it odd. "Notice anything else?"

She wrinkled her nose, covering it. "It smells like chemicals." She told him and quickly caught on to what he was thinking. "We wouldn't have been able to catch his scent."

Stiles shined his flashlight and crouched on the floor, both their eyes fell on the blood on the floor. "He was here, performing very minor surgery on himself." He looked up at her. "Lydia was right."

"Well he obviously came here to kill somebody but who?" She asked thoughtfully.

He stood up. "That's what we gotta figure out." The two left the storage room, walking into the classroom. "We could spread out, start looking for...Anything." He glanced over at her and saw her walking towards blackboard where there were numbers written. "Em, what are those?"

"I think they're atomic numbers." She replied, recalling how in class Lydia would help her with anything she didn't understand since she agreed to actually try paying attention in class and actually doing the work.

"Is it a formula?" He asked her.

She shook her head, taking out her phone and pulled up the app that her best friend had downloaded for her to use. "19's potassium." Her eyes flickered up to the numbers. "The first two make potassium iodide."

He blinked. "Potassium is K?" He picked up the chalk, writing the letters.

She looked at her phone, furrowing her brows lightly. "It's from kalium, the scientific neo-Latin name." She informed him.

"What's radium?" He asked her, watching her type it into her phone.

She frowned, realizing what the letters would spell out. "R-A."

"Kira." He breathed out, the two shared a look, realizing that Barrow was after the new girl. The same girl that was currently with his alpha best friend.


The tires screeched against the pavement as jeep was pulled into an abrupt stop. Stiles jumped out with Emily following behind him. The two rushing over to where Lydia was currently trying to wake Scott who was the floor unconscious.

"I just found him like this." Lydia told them.

Stiles crouched down, shaking him. "Scott, wake up!"

Scott shot up, his eyes wide with worry and panic. He looked at them. "Barrow, he took Kira!"

"We know." Stiles told him, seeing the concern his best friend had for the missing girl. "He was after her the whole time."

"We have to think of something." Scott pointed out, he couldn't let Kira die. "He's going to kill her."

Emily stared at the alpha, wondering why no one was asking the question they were all probably thinking. Why would Barrow take Kira? He was after kids with glowing eyes. Right? There was a pang of frustration and annoyance she suddenly felt since she didn't like not knowing these types of things. Was Kira an enemy?

Unraveling ❖ Stiles Stilinksi [2]Where stories live. Discover now