Chapter Twenty Five

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This is Gospel-- Panic! at the Disco

I packed up the last of my things, and even looked at the flat to make sure I didn't forget anything. Which, I didn't. I was sure, and I think I was just stalling. I really loved Harry, and London was my dream, but sometimes you have to let things go, right?

Harry helped me and Mira pack, and he was setting the very last box in the car. There weren't that many. Just three or four, and we were mailing them back to our new apartment in New York. Mira landed a job as a designer there for some big-rig fashion thing like Ralph Lauren or whatever. She was happy and I was going with her.

"I'm sorry..." Harry said to himself as he shut the door to the car. He wiped tears from his eyes that only I saw. I felt terrible, but I needed to go on with my life, and if it meant going back him to my deranged father and my depressed mother, then so be it.

Mira and I got into the car, and Harry got into the drivers seat. Niall was in the back too, with Mira. I was in front awkwardly with Harry.

"What are you going to do in New York?" Harry cut the awkward silence.

I shrugged my shoulders, and thankfully Mira saved me. "I'm working as a designer for Marc Jacobs, and Alex is probably going to be my model... I just have to get her approved. Either that or she's gonna work at Starbucks." Mira found the Starbucks joke funny.

"Oh, a model?" Harry said and looked at me. I looked down and noticed for the first time that I had lost a lot of weight... I was practically skin and bone. I never realized I hadn't been eating enough...

"You're so thin..." He remarked. Niall made a shining noise from the back seat as Harry muttered some words under his breath. He gripped the wheel so hard his knuckles turned white.

"I'm alright." I breathed. Harry took the turn into the parking of the Airport after dropping the boxes off at the International Post Office. I grabbed My carry on and my phone, and walked in with Harry and Mira and Niall.

Harry helped me out of the vehicle and I let him. I couldn't bear to break his heart any more than it already was. I swear the kid was going mad.

He held my hand as we walked into the airport and checked in. He even bought me lunch, which I never finished. I saw him slumped over, his usual peppy curls seemed to droop today. Dull instead of shiny, and loose. Not like normal.

"I can't believe you're actually leaving, Alex." he mumbled. I looked at Harry and he smiled weakly.

"There's the gate, you two board now..." Harry trailed off. I wiped my eyes.

"Yeah," I turned to see Mira, on Niall with her legs wrapped around his waist. She was buried in his neck, crying. They both were.

"So, this is it." He said.

"I guess it is."

"I hope I see you again..." I felt hot tears run down my face.

"Shut up, Harold." I said, and kissed his cheek.

"It was a privilege to have my heart broken by you, Alexandria Cross."

"Don't pull that Augustus Waters crap on me now, Harold." I kissed him one last time and got on the plane, Mira following me.

I saw a tweet just before the plane took off.

@Harrystyles : Until next time, my dear friend. @AlCr_

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