Chapter Twelve

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Harry's POV

"Daddy?" Alex said, looking up at me with saddened, gleaming eyes. I couldn't stand it when she cried, it made me upset too. She was so important to me, and I hated to see her in such a state. It was almost like having your heart slowly be pulverized by a hammer. I did not like that feeling, because it hurt.

I watched her stare at her phone, and re-read all of her messages over, to make sure what she was seeing was real. Then, she took the sleeve of my shirt, which she was wearing, and covered her mouth with it. She chewed on the end as tears ran down her face, and I scooted closer to her and smoothed my hand through her hair.

"It's okay, you'll be okay," I cooed. But it only made her worse. She tried to pull the sheet up over her head, but I stopped her, and held her to my chest. She needed comfort right now, and that's what I'm going to give her.

I was never the best at comforting people as a young teen, because I never really wanted just one girl. I was never worried about breaking a heart or anything sentimental. All of my girls were for shits and giggles. But why do I care now?

"Harry, is she okay?" I heard Mira knocking on the door, and Niall right behind. They both burst in when I didn't respond, and Mira looked at me with a blank expression. "What's wrong with her?"

"Her dad," I said quietly, and Mira didn't seem to understand. It took her a minute before it all clicked. Her expression changed and her mouth made a little "O" shape. She explained that she was going to call someone, and she left the room. Niall just stood and cocked his head a bit to the side. I saw confusion in his blue eyes.

Alex pushed off of me, and backed away slowly. She guestured for Niall to come closer, and he did. Being the smart guy that he is, Niall grabbed the chair I brought in earlier and pulled it up next to her to talk.

"If I explain, you have to promise not to treat me any different than you do now, okay?" She wiped her face and sat on the edge of the bed, I followed.

"I promise," Niall and I said simultaneously.

"Okay," Alex sighed. She tugged on the sleeves of the long-sleeve Metallica shirt and pulled it over her fists. "Well, my dad's name is Rick. He was the nicest man that hit the planet. He loved everything and everyone and everyone was the same towards him. His eyes were seafoam green and he had dark, almost black hair.

"The story begins like most do, a boy and girl fall in love. They get married at a young age, 19, and have a kid or two. Well, it was me. Alexandria Janine. My dad called me AJ." She sniffled a bit, and paused. "Well, my mom got a tumor on her brain. It wasn't dangerous, but if we waited it would be. I was seven.

"She got the surgery, but the doctor messed something up, and my dad, Rick, was already so stressed. He paced the waiting room, and when he heard what had happened he snapped. My mother was diagnosed with some sort of disorder, which caused her to have seizures. Rick didn't want the responcibility of taking care of her, so he filed for divorce.

"Since she couldn't work, my mom wasn't able to get custody of me, so I lived with Rick for eleven years. During those eleven years he went insane, haywire. He got into drugs, alchohol, and the worst of things. Rick beat, molested, and raped me. When I told him I wanted to go to college out of the country, it got worse. I was fifteen at the tim, and it became a usual thing. He would hurt me if I didn't get straight A's, or make his dinner, and it became too much.

"My mom and I started a secret bank account for money that I earned working for my Aunt at her resturaunt. I was a waitress, and I got good tips, since I was underage I couldn't get regular checks. The tips were all I could keep. My mom set away about thirty dollars every month for me, and all together the money was enough for me to get the bare minimum here.

"I snuck out late one night, about six weeks after graduation. I was already accepted into the university, so it wasn't that hard. My mom sent a taxi for me and it all went well from there. But now... now Rick's back. With a vengeance and probably a gang." Alex ended her story with a sigh and a surpressed sob. I wrapped my arm around her back, and Niall's eyes were shining with tears.

"So now you know," She said. I just squeezed her side and she sighed again. Mira walked into the door, and smiled weakly.

"Get ready, Harmony is coming over, we'll cheer you up." Mira gleamed with fake happiness. I stood and told them goodbye, and took Niall home.


Hey guys!

I just came in to say, please vote and comment! I like to know what you have to say! It makes me a better writer,and being able to hear your ideas makes me feel better knowing that you're following my story!

I have 224 current reads and 39 votes! Please tell your wattpad friends to read, it would be amazing to up that to 50 votes!

I miss hearing from you, and it is amazing doing this, I know some readers are very happy with the story.

If you've read this far, here's a spoiler! Not really, but it's a clueish thingy. Things are about to get very... heated with Harry.

Boy does Harry have a temper.


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