Chapter Twenty Two

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Authors note:

Whenever you see the name Dakota or Dakota Jade, that's DJ. Its her real name. Just so you know and are a bit clear.

I was thinking of making a story that centers around Louis and DJ meeting. How they got to know each other when they were younger.

I don't know if I'll do it, I have a few chapters already written but I'm still not sure whether to publish them or not.

Your feedback would be great, so I know whether or not to go on with this odd idea.

But anyways. Thank you for reading and voting. I have 125 votes on this story alone! 400 and something reads too. You guys are amazing and I just love you all so

Have a nice day, Allons-y!





I crack an egg into the bowl and whisk. Mixing in a bit of things I found in the fridge. Mushrooms, peppers, and shredded cheese. I pour the mixture into the pan on the left and move some bacon off of the pan in the back onto a cutting board.

I chop up the bacon and slice some fresh cheddar cheese, then flip a pancake. Then I flip the omelet over. I put the cheese and bacon, with more mushrooms inside. I finish the last omelet and the last of the bacon, and flip the final pancake. I set all the food on the breakfast nook and yell. Hopefully I'll wake the girls up.

"OH MY GOD I'M DYING!!!" I scream. I hear panicked footsteps, and thanks of people falling. Then, out of the blue, the three bed-headed girls line up. One has a baseball bat.

"What's going on!?" Harmony looked around.

"I made breakfast." I replied to her. Alex dropped the bat and trudged up to hug me.

"You yelled so loudly," she yawned.

"Well, go eat love. The food will get cold. I didn't sleep much last night, so I came and made you breakfast. I would hurry because Ni might eat all of the doughnuts." She moved towards the kitchen and yelled at the blonde boy to stop hogging all of the food. I just sat back and laughed at how ridiculously moody she is when she first wakes up.

I followed the girls into the kitchen and grabbed an omelet, and a doughnut. I sit and wonder if any of them have allergies. But I'm sure they're fine. They would have said something.

Oddly, Harmony doesn't touch much food. She picks here and there, and eats a few doughnuts.

"I'm allergic to mushrooms. You're lucky I saw the can on the counter." she explains. I nod, and I feel bad. "These are good though." she gestures to the boxes of doughnuts.

I should have known not to make them all the same, but I'm just so tired. When I finish my food I sit on the couch. The dry one.

My eyes are closed and I feel a sinking beside me. I didn't even notice that I was laying down. A coddling sensation greeted my chest. I peeked to see Alex nuzzling into me, and flinging a fleece blanket over the both of us.

"Go to sleep Harry," she said to me.

And I could've never had been happier to hear the word 'sleep'.






I sat up slowly and rubbed sleep from my eyes. Looking around, I found that my surroundings were unfamiliar and foreign. But then I remembered. I'm at Alex's house.

I lifted an arm and ran my fingers through her baby-soft hair. She mumbled and scooted closer to me. I smiled happily and kissed her head. Checking my phone, it was 4:30 pm. I slept all day.

All day, from around nine. I wonder what she did when she found she couldn't sleep? Nobody seemed to be in the house any more. The tele was turned off and Niall's shoes were gone. I noticed that so were Mira's and Harmony's.

Slowly, but surely, I got up without waking Alex. I replaced me with a pillow, and went into the kitchen to grab a drink. There, I found something I really didn't want to see.

"Why is there a half rotten watermelon sitting on the counter, and why was somebody eating it?" I say aloud. I automatically cover my mouth. I had said that pretty loud.

"What..?" Alex's sleepy voice comes from the siting room. I mentally curse myself as she walks in the door. "Somebody was eating that? I meant to throw it out two weeks ago..."

I gag, and heave over. Alex laughs, an picks up the nasty fruit to throw it away.That is absolutely disgusting. Who would even do that? I mean, yeah sometimes a it of mold is okay, you can scrape it off. But when the green peel of a watermelon is turning brown and yellow, that's the time to say goodbye.

"Ugh," I gag again into the sink. Nothing comes up, though. Alex laughs at me and I laugh too.

"Shut your hole, twat!" I giggle at her. She kisses my cheek and slaps my bum. That cheeky girl...

"Wanna go out for din-" The ringing of my phone cute me off. Oh no, please not Paul.

"I... I have to take this, Alex." I told her.

I left the room and the house, standing outside. I opened my phone and called the number back.


"You phoned?" I said into the white receiver.

"You've got a job to do, Styles."

"I'm busy, if you could-"

"Bollocks! Styles don't cross me, Payne is back. We've got to eliminate Treston."

"I'm with my girlfriend and Louis just got out of the hospital! Please," I begged.

"Your girl, Alex, is the enemy. Cross is her mothers last name. Payne was her fathers. Payne is back, and we have his daughter. We need to eliminate Treston. His main boy."

"What about Malik?"

"Malik isn't a problem, now. Although, he has been socializing with... Harmony... They've been getting pretty close."

"I have to go, text me the details and get a pack ready. My boys are still shaken up."

"Will do, Styles."

"Thanks, Simon."

"Call me Cowell."

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