Chapter Nine

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Team by Lorde

Harry moved away from me and walked into the other room to get Ni and Mira awake, so they could eat. I shuffled around in the kitchen looking for butter and syrup, just for Niall.


I buckle over and laugh my arse off. I love it when people try to make Mira wake up.


Harry comes into the kitchen dying of laughter, with Mira slung over his shoulder. I started to laugh so hard I cried.

Niall walked in after them, rubbing sleep from his eyes. "Guys, it's too early," he said.

"Niall?" He sounded different. More... mature. It was odd, Very odd.

He burst into laughter, and began to cry. "You.... I can't believe..." he said.

I immediately looked at Harry. He was laughing too.


"Did you.... seriously believe... I was autistic?"

"You're not?!"

"God no! It was a joke!" He gasped for air and I plastered on a frown. "We do that to everyone! BEST. PRANK. EVER!"

I scowled and stormed upstairs. I was pissed that they would even do that. No normal person can carry on a prank for months. I slam my door and lock it, then lay in my bed and tap on my phone, texting DJ.

To DJ: Did they prank you with the autistic Niall thing?

From DJ: Yeah, for a year. A whole yer I thought he was retarded.

From DJ: year**

To DJ: Their balls are mine.

From DJ: What balls?

I chuckle to myself and roll over, hearing a knock at the door.

"Alex!" Harry shouted through the door and the music I so loudly put on. Lorde was playing.

"No!" I shouted back to him, and covered my head. A scraping noise was heard, then my door opened.

"You did not just use the butter knife trick on my door." I groaned, and Harry sat on my bed.

"Alex," he said, huffing.

"That's not funny," I moaned, sitting up and looking at him.

"It was quite funny until Niall blew his cover."




Harry laughed and got up. "Common, three more days then you graduate and you're done. Then we all can have fun and hang out and do whatever."

"Until your stupid job ruins it. What is it you do anyways?"

"You can't know." He said sharply, and stood.

"Why not? You're always keeping things from me and we can never be anything, not even friends if you just keep secrets all the time!"

"It's not always a secret! I just can't have you get hurt that's all! If I told you they'd be after you and it would only result in death! Whether it be me or both of us!" He screamed and slammed his fist on the door.


I stomped and I felt a wetness on my cheeks. Had I been crying? I wiped my cheeks.

"No, no don't start crying." he said quietly. My phone buzzed and I saw the screen, Mira asking what was wrong. And another text from Harmony, a girl that interviewed me for a job a few days ago.

I looked at him and sobbed. "Everyone's always keeping things from me! My dad was, my mom was, but now I can't even speak to my father and my mother stopped calling. You don't know how it feels to be left behind, do you?" I wiped my eyes again, and saw my eyeliner on the jacket I was wearing.

"No, I may not know it like you do. But that doesn't mean I need to tell you everything, especially if it's going to hurt you."

Harry stepped forward and enveloped me in another heart-warming hug.

"Now, let's go downstairs and eat pancakes. We can all go out to a movie or something later? Maybe... The Hobbit?"

I chuckled. "How'd you know that was my favorite?"

"Mira, she's not really quiet when I ask for info. Plus, I really wanted to see it anyways."

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