Chapter 32: Before the Night

Start from the beginning

What the hell would happen if you marry him?

Have a child with him?

I shook my head. Clearly I was giving Petra's intentions of being being in a relationship with Levi too much thought.

I shuddered at the thought of marriage and kids.

Not yet. I still want to be free.

Levi was impatiently tapping his foot when we arrived, muttering how we certainly took our damn time.

Petra apologized, and I just gave my usual shrug before we all splashed in the water.

Basically, it stayed in that same routine for the rest of the week.

As time goes on, so does the journey. And thus, the expedition was nearing an end.

We were going to head back to basecamp tomorrow. It was only a little after dawn, but Levi, Petra and I decided to hang in the lake, going for a dip for absolutely no reason.

It was all just relaxing in the peaceful atmosphere until Petra thought it was a good idea to splash water on my face as I was closing my eyes.

My eyes darted open, and I started coughing and spluttering water, sending a glare to Petra who just gave a sly smile.

I smirked and splashed water back, and sadly, some of that water got to Levi who had his eyes closed like me before.

The raven opened one of his eyes, his peaceful features turning into a nasty scowl.

My smirk turned into a grin. "Oh sorry Levi. I totally didn't mean for that to happen," I apologized, clearly not feeling sorry the slightest.

Levi raised an eyebrow, fully opening both his eyes. His gaze seemed to say something to me.


Levi smirked, suddenly diving in the water.

Everything stayed silent, until I felt a a current beneath me, and something pushing me out of the water.

I let out a surprised yelp as Levi flipped me and I came crashing down into the water head first, water splashing everywhere.

I quickly bobbed my head out of the water, taking a sharp gasp of air, before getting splashed by Petra and Levi at the same time.

Are these two ganging up on me? Hell no.

I threw a handful of water to Levi, who dodged easily. The raven dove back in the water, and I quickly moved, trying to get back at Petra for splashing me before.

I swam quickly, wrapping my arms around Petra before she could even realise what was going on.

The strawberry-blonde let out a shriek as I pulled her underwater, only to go back up soon after, the both of us taking much needed breaths.

Levi suddenly appeared at my back, his weight pushing the three of us back in the water.

We swam back up, me and Petra laughing as we took breaths, making us sound like dying seals.

I looked back to Levi, my eyes widening in surprise as I looked at his face.

His steel blue eyes were soft, not in the usual glare he was in. His lips that were usually in a frown, was curved up in what seemed to be a smile.

"It suits you," I whispered lightly, making him glance at me in confusion.

"What does?"

"You should smile more often. It suits you."

Petra seemed to be in her own world, splashing the water around her.

Levi turned his head so that his face was away from me, covering his face with a hand.

A few seconds later, he turned back to me, his gaze still soft and teasing, his voice a gentle purr.

"But that wouldn't make me Levi now, would it?"


The sun was setting. Everything was packed except for the tent, obviously.

I was eating another pack of military food. At this point, the food tasted just as decent as the food in the cafeteria.

In other words, I couldn't give a fuck about it.

I was still busy munching on the bland food when Petra suddenly approached me, saying words that made me splutter what I had in my mouth.

"(Y/N), I'm going to confess tonight."

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