Chapter 48: End of a Dream

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"Look at the moon, it's so pretty," I gasped, pointing at the sky.

Lightly covered by thin clouds was a bright, full moon, shining beautifully against the dark sky.

"You're right," Levi murmured, his eyes gentle.

"How long has it been, since we just sat down, and looked at the sky?"

"Too long," Levi answered, his voice barely a whisper. He lifted his head and closed his eyes as a soft breeze passed through us, gently swaying his raven hair back and forth.

He really is handsome.

A small blush crept up my cheeks, and I let it be, since I didn't have any control over it anyway.

About a year ago, I would've said he's good looking, then say something along the line, "but he's a bitch" and then deny anything about liking him.

But now, after accepting how my hormones forced me to be attracted to this fine specimen, I no longer deny it. He's handsome and he's a bitch. But I've fallen for this bitch.

Levi's eyes opened abruptly, and his steel orbs darted over to me almost instantly. He turned his head, looking at me with slight curiosity in his eyes.

Crap, I was staring at him.

I scratched the back of my head. "Uhh... I thought there was... a bug on your face..."

Levi silently stared at me for a little longer, before he slipped a hand inside his coat and pulled out a white cloth, lightly wiping his face.

"But there wasn't....." I trailed off as Levi stood up and brought his eyes to mine once again. His gaze was expressionless.

"There's a cockroach on your head," he said flatly, his eyes still on mine.

I stood up as well. "No, there isn't. I would've felt it."

Levi stared at me for a few more seconds, before looking away. "Oh really? Then that means you were also lying before."

I didn't even try to defend myself. It was one hell of a shitty excuse. But there was another question in my head. "If you knew there was no bug, then why'd you wipe your face anyway?"

"Your staring, and whatever you were thinking during it, made it dirty," he replied with a monotone voice, walking away.

I blushed in embarrassment, my eyes widening. Gritting my teeth with hopes that the fierce shade of red would calm down, I jogged towards Levi, catching up with him.

When I was less than a meter close to him, he stopped abruptly and turned around. My feet skidded on the ground as I pulled myself to a harsh halt.

Levi didn't even react when I nearly smashed my head against his. I was going to complain on what the fuck he was doing, but I paused myself when I saw his eyes narrowing sharply at me.

Was he.... observing me?

"...what?" I asked hesitantly, taking a few steps back.

Levi blinked and placed a hand over his eyes, remaining silent for a while. I thought he was just going to walk away, but he didn't.

"You're different now... (Y/N)."

My eyes slightly widened at his words. "What? What's different?"

Levi sighed, removing his hand from his face. "I don't know. You're not the same as when I first met you."

"Levi," I let out a small chuckle. "We first met almost 2 years ago. Of course I would've changed over time." I paused, swallowing nervously. "Just like you did."

My Alpha ~ Levi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now